Chapter 22

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Ciel looked up from his papers to see Sebastian and Demetria walking into the room, Demetria staying close to Sebastian and right behind him. He set down his papers and looks at Demetria. “Go ahead and sit in the chair right there.” Ciel said, gesturing to the chair over by the table where he played chess. She bit her lip and nodded heading over and sitting down in the chair, fidgeting slightly in her chair-she was nervous, Ciel noted to himself. “You are dismissed Sebastian, I will call for you when we need you. Until then, prepare my afternoon tea.” Ciel told Sebastian.

    Sebastian nodded and left the room, leaving Demetria and Ciel alone. Ciel made his way over to the table and chairs, and sat in his own chair looking at Demetria. “Stop playing with your hands, it’s not a good habit to have.” She stopped playing her hands almost immediately, biting her lip. “So, Sebastian has told me that you’ve been here for about four days now.”

    Demetria nodded, watching Ciel. “It’s been about three days…. maybe a little more then that…”

    “And the other day you were missing from the manor?” She nodded and he continued. “So, I want to know how and why you were on Phantomhive property on the first place.”

    “Well you see… there was this man… I was held captive by him for about twenty or so years, but I managed to escape from him the night before I was found on your property. At the time I didn’t know it was your property, I just thought that it was some random place and some random manor that I had found. I would have gone on further, but I was so exhausted and dehydrated that I couldn’t…” She trailed off, her voice quieting. Ciel only nodded slightly, thinking about what she had just told him, trying to see if she was lying to him or not. After he decided that she wasn’t lying to him, he stood up.

    “Well, seeing as it doesn’t seem like Sebastian or any of the servants wish for you to leave anytime soon, I suppose I have a new opening for a spot for a maid. I believe you will work well for that spot-however, I think that you will do good for that job. Would you accept?” He asked her, looking at her for an answer.

    She nodded. “Of course I would take that offer. It sounds good.” Demetria said, looking up at him.

    He nodded and went back over to his desk, picking up some papers. “Good, you will be sleeping in the servants quarters, sharing a room with Mey-Rin. I will have a personal tailor come over and tailor some dresses for you tomorrow. You may leave, and send Sebastian up, would you?” Ciel said, looking down at his papers.

    Demetria nodded and smiled graciously. “Thank you.” She said, her voice gentle as she made her way out of the room, closing the door gently behind her. She let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she hadn’t screwed it up-seeing as she was still staying at Phantomhive manor, a maid, but staying here nonetheless.

    She bit her lip and made her way down to the kitchen, hoping that she would see Sebastian down there. She smiled softly and opened up the kitchen doors, seeing Sebastian inside. Making her way over, there was a slight skip of happiness in her step. “Hello Sebastian.” She said softly, Sebastian looking over at her.

    “How did it go?” Sebastian asked Demetria setting down the teacup on its saucer.

    “It went very well.” She said, smiling softly and leaning against the counter. “I get to stay at Phantomhive manor, although, I will be working as a maid.”

    “As could be expected.” He said, nodding his head slightly.

    “Anyways, Lord Phantomhive is expecting you upstairs with his tea.” Sebastian nodded and looked over at her.

    “You should get used to start calling him ‘Young Master’. It is much better for his reputation.” Sebastian said, picking up the tray. Demetria nodded slightly and thanked him, Mey-Rin walking into the kitchen with Bard just as Sebastian walked out.

    “Hello, Demetria!” She said, smiling brightly, making her way over with Bard. “What brings you to kitchen-besides Sebastian.” She giggled softly, and held Bard’s hand.

    “Well, as it turns out, you and I will be roommates from now on.” She smiled happily and looking at Mey-Rin.

    “Really?!” She said, her eyes lighting up. Demetria laughed and nodded, Mey-Rin letting go of Bard’s hand and hugging Demetria tightly. “That’s wonderful!” She said, Demetria laughing the whole time.

    “Yes it really is, isn’t it?” She said, her voice gentle as she spoke. She smiled softly talking here and there as Mey-Rin spoke, her voice full with happiness. Bard stood there for about five minutes before seeing that the conversation anytime soon. He whispered to Mey-Rin that he would be in his bedroom if she needed him-at this Mey-Rin gently gave him a kiss on the lips and told him alright.

    Bard smiled softly and made his way to his room and lit a cigarette. He was about to walk into his room when he stopped, holding the cigarette between his lips. He shook his head slightly, remembering Finny’s rule and made his way outside, sitting down on the bench that sat under a canopy of trees. He took a puff of his cigarettes thinking of the dream he had the night before. It was another nightmare about war. He sighed softly and rested his elbows on his knees and rested his chin on his hands. They had been happening more and more recently and honestly, he was scared to tell Mey-Rin about them-scared that she wouldn’t think he was very much of a man anymore. He closed his eyes, flashbacks from his nightmares filling the darkness, causing him to jerk straight up and open his eyes up. He let out a stressed sigh and ran his hand through his hair tiredly. This was happening too much lately-and Finny knew it. In fact, Finny was the only one that knew it, seeing as Finny was the one to wake him up at night to comfort him and let him know that he wasn’t at war anymore, that he was safe at Phantomhive manor. But of course, he wasn’t safe, not with the attacks on Phantomhive manor happening more and more often. He was sure that someone was planning someone’s death in Phantomhive manor, he just didn’t know who it was. But his gut instinct told him that it wasn’t Ciel. Something dark and big soared over him, causing him to look up in surprise, and fall off of the bench-seeing as it didn’t have a back.

    He groaned slightly, landing back first on the ground-his breath being knocked from him. A gloved hand appeared from seemingly nowhere to help Bard off of the ground. After a moments hesitation and no gut feelings, he took the hand that was offered. The person behind the hand helped Bard up and looked at him.

    “Hey Baldroy, long time, no see.”

    Bard looked up to see his friend that he thought had gone MIA during a war so many years ago-Jeremiah Jacobe.

    “Jeremiah… I thought… I thought you were dead!”

    “No, I just went MIA because my wife had a baby.”

    “What… what bring you here?” Bard asked him, his eyes narrowing slightly, getting a good look at his old friend.

    “My daughter does.”

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