Chapter 26

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Ciel threw a knife at a board that seemed to be twenty yards away-The knife was too low and didn’t have enough force to make it to the board, even Demetria could see this. But, by some force of magic, the knife seemed to bounce up and hit the target. Even gasped at this and started to talk amongst themselves. She looked over at Ciel, and expected to see shock-but all she saw was a smug look. Ciel threw another knife again, and the same as before happened-the knife seemed to bounce up higher and hit the board-only this time it looked much more believable. He kept throwing the knives until he was all out, and, magically, all were stuck in the board.

    “That was amazing!” Dagger called out. “Is he in, Joker?”

    “He’s still got one more test.” Joker said, crossing his arms slightly, smiling.

    “Eh?!” Ciel said, looking at Joker like he was insane.

    “This way!” Joker said, grabbing both Ciel’s and Demetria’s wrist, dragging them off to the performing tent-Sebastian following close behind. Ciel looked extremely confused and tried to pull his wrist back-which only ended up with him landing on his butt when Joker let go. Ciel groaned slightly and stood up, brushing the dirt off of himself. “First off, ‘ee’ll see if ‘ee can walk a tightrope.” Soon Ciel was up on the stand that was connected to another stand by a tightrope. Doll was tying him in tight to a rope that would keep him from dying if he fell. Demetria looked up at Ciel and felt a hand on her waist. She jumped slightly and looked at who the owner of the hand was-Joker, should’ve guessed. “I know ‘ee be his lady friend for the night before. No one could forget a face like ‘ee’s.” Joker whispered quietly in her ear-quiet enough that even Sebastian would have a hard time hearing, although it wasn’t like he would hear in the first place, he was too busy helping Ciel stay in balance with his pebble throwing-which Demetria had caught onto by the last dagger. Demetria’s eyes widened and she looked over at Joker-who had a small smile on his face. “Though, I don’t care. ‘ee’ve got a lot of sword eating talent. I think everyone would agree, ‘ee’d make a great first stringer.” Joker whispered softly in her ear, and let go of her waist, moving away when Ciel made it to the end. He clapped and cheered along with everyone when Ciel made his way down. “There’s only one more test for ‘ee.”

    “I thought I was done!” Ciel said, exasperated.

    “You will be after this. To be in the circus, you have to be happy and have a smile on! So smile, Finnian!”

    After a couple moments of grumbling-and Sebastian silently laughing with his back to Ciel, Ciel smiled-and it seemed the sparkles erupted around his face. Demetria giggled and clapped when Ciel smiled.

    Joker gathered up costumes for all three of them, and gave everyone their individual costumes-Ciel getting a whole new outfit, Sebastian getting a new top hat and tie, and Demetria got a form fitting dress that accentuated her breasts and went down to about mid-thigh. It also came with a pair of knee high boots, accompanied with fish net stockings. When Demetria put on the dress, she adjusted the straps so that they sat snugly on her shoulders, in came Beast a few minutes later, smiling slightly. “Joker sent me in to do some makeup for you.” She pulled out a makeup set and sat Demetria down. “I’ll show you how to do it after you get in.” Demetria nodded slightly and Beast started on her makeup, painting Demetria’s lips and elegant red that complemented the black dress. “I wasn’t there to see you test, but Joker tells me you’re a mute.” Demetria gave her a thumbs up-indicating that she was right. Beast only smiled slightly and mused to herself. “Wonder how that happened… Sword Swallower.” Demetria giggled slightly, and Beast kept doing Demetria’s makeup, keeping it simple by putting small swirls at the corner of her right eye. “You’ll fit right in, after all, everyone here that’s a first stringers’ got something wrong with ‘em.” Demetria looked up at Beast confused when she stood up. “Joker didn’t tell you? You’re the most talented Sword Swallower we’ve seen, you’re a first stringer.” Demetria made a shape with her mouth as if to say ‘oh’. “Well, let’s get going.” Beast helped Demetria up off the chair and led her back to the main tent where everyone had gathered.

    Demetria made her way over and stood in between Joker and Ciel. She smiled softly looking over at Sebastian. He looked the same as always, just a very different tie that was held together with a skull pin, and on top his head rested a top hat with a purple ribbon around the base of it, along his left eye was just a small purple strip running vertically. She looked over at Ciel who was just wearing a completely ridiculous outfit-that he would probably never wear again, and had stars painted under his right eye. She smiled softly, and Joker started to announce who they were.

    “Welcome everyone! It seems that we’ve got some new recruits! Here is Blade..” Joker gestured to Demetria. “...Next to her is Smile…”

    “Eh?! Smile?!” Ciel said, unhappy with his name.

    “...And next to Smile is Black! Welcome the new recruits everyone!” Everyone cheered and came up to welcome them. Several men stared at Demetria’s boobs-at which she smacked them-causing Joker to double over laughing. When everyone was done, Joker turned to them. “Alright, time to get to training! Dagger, show them where the training tent is while we set up in here!”

    Dagger nodded and led them all to the training tent. “Oh, Blade, Snake’s going to show you to your tent and help you get situated!” Dagger gestured to snake, and left with Ciel and Sebastian, leaving Demetria alone with Snake.

    “Follow us… says Emily.” Snake started to head towards the tents leaving Demetria to follow. She followed behind Snake-careful not to step on the snakes that were slithering along the ground. Snake stopped in front of Demetria’s tent. “This is your tent… says Alexander.” Demetria nodded slightly, and felt something slithering up her leg. She opened her mouth in surprise and looked down to see one of Snakes’ snakes slithering up her leg. “I like her. She’s not loud… says Dai.” Demetria blushed slightly as the snake climbed up higher and eventually wrapped itself around her torso, resting on her breasts. “I am sorry for Dai… it seems that he has taken a liking to you.” Snake said, turning and looking at Demetria. She shook her head and gently touched Dai’s head as if to say it was okay.

    Dai flicked his tongue in pleasure, and let Demetria gently pet his head. She smiled softly. “Why don’t you speak?… says Jeremiah.”

    Demetria bit her lip and scratched the back of her head. She bit her lip trying to think how to tell Jeremiah without her notebook-which was back at the summer house.

    “Here…” Snake said softly, handing her a small notebook and pencil. Demetria smiled softly in appreciation and wrote it down, handing the small notebook and pencil back to Snake. Snake murmured what she had written down to Jeremiah and handed the book and pencil back to her. “Keep it… says Emily.” She blushed and nodded in appreciation. “Your breasts are warm… says Dai.” Snake blushed darkly when he said this and facepalmed slightly. Demetria blushed darkly, and looked down at the snake resting on her breast. “I would like to stay with you tonight… says Dai.” Snake looked at Demetria to see if it was okay.

    Demetria blushed and nodded gently petting Dai’s head.

    “Well, we’ll get you at performance time, Blade… says Alexander.” Demetria nodded, and Snake left, heading into his own tent. Demetria bit her lip and made her into her own tent, gently taking Dai and setting him on her new bed, setting the notebook and pencil next to Dai. She opened up the chest and looked inside-seeing a few outfits that matched her own in the chest. She giggled softly, these circus folk sure were prepared. She shook her head and closed the chest, making her way back over to the bed. She sat down and Dai slithered into her lap curling up. Demetria smiled softly and looked at the sword that Joker and told her to keep earlier. She had dropped it when they entered the performing tent, but it seemed that someone had brought it back in and cleaned it. She smiled softly and picked it up, examining it. It was shining and bright. She sighed softly and looked for a place to put it-when she spotted a cuff for holding the sword on the waist of her dress, how she had not seen this before amazed her. She smiled softly and looked at Dai-who was now looking up at her, and flicking his forked tongue.

    Demetria gestured at herself and the tent door, saying that she needed to get up and go walk around. Dai flicked his tongue and slithered up and wrapped himself around her torso, resting his head and some of his body on her breasts. Demetria blushed slightly and slipped the sword in it’s little cuff on her dress. After making sure that the blade wouldn’t hit her leg while she walked she made her way out of her tent and towards the area where people were buzzing-which happened to be the training tent. Demetria walked in and saw something that made her facepalm and and blush intensely-Will in a bright yellow suit jacket, red pants, and a green vest underneath the suit jacket, with a red and white spotted tie.

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