Chapter 10

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Sebastian sighed softly and looked at Ciel, clearly unsure of how to explain who Demetria was. “Well, it was a couple of days ago, and Finny found Lady Demetria-” Sebastian gestured to Demetria indicating that her name was Demetria. “-and she wasn’t in the best of shape, so I decided to take care of Lady Demetria until she was better…” Sebastian said trailing off towards the end. Ciel raised an eyebrow at Sebastian’s story before looking back at Demetria.

    “Well… since you’re unable to lie to me, I suppose I have no choice but to believe you. But I would like to hear the story of where she came from and what happened from her, instead of you.” Ciel said sternly, his voice unwavering-showing that he was in no mood to be argued with. Sebastian only nodded slightly. “I expect for her to be in my office before lunch.” Ciel said before walking off, in no mood to be argued with or be disobeyed-his pounding headache only getting worse as he made his way to his office.

Sebastian was right, he wasn’t feeling well. But a minor headache was no excuse to lie around in bed all day, doing absolutely nothing. Ciel pushed open the door to his study and groaned both physically and mentally when he saw the mess that the servants were trying to fix. Papers were fluttering all over the floor, his desk was overturned, and books lie on the floor, fallen off of their rightful place on his bookshelf. “What happened?!” Ciel demanded, his tone only angrier due to the headache that was drilling through his skull. He pinched the bridge of his nose as the servants scrambled to stand up straight the face Ciel. It seems that Finny was feeling much better-which was a relief to Ciel, he always hated to call the doctor over to the manor.

    “Young master!” Bard said surprised, clutching a bundle of papers in his hands. “What are you doing up so early?” Baldroy asked surprised.

    “I couldn’t sleep.” Ciel stated simply, glaring them all down.

    “We’re sorry Young master, yes we are.” Mey-Rin said, grabbing some papers before they could fly out the window.

    “You see, the window flew open and papers started flying out the window while I was watering the flowers, so I grabbed them and ran back upstairs. I got Bard and Mey-Rin and we saw someone in here…”

    “He left before we caught him!” Bard interjected. Ciel sighed softly looking at them in annoyance.

    “I’ll have Sebastian take a look. Until then, clean this place up. Let me know when you’re done. I’ll be in my room.” Ciel said, leaving the room, closing the door behind him as he left. He made his way over to his room, his headache only getting worse with every second. After a moment, he decided that it must have been the tea last night-after all, he had given Sebastian that night off, so the other servants had made Ciel tea that night for dinner along with some… edible… food. He sighed softly and he opened his door, and walked into his room. He rubbed his eyes slightly and crawled back into bed. He closed his eyes and relaxed, the pounding headache starting to subside after only a few seconds of laying in bed.

    It seemed after only two minutes someone knocked on his door and Ciel sighed,  his voice groggy as if just waking up from a nap he called, “Come in.” He sighed slightly and didn’t even bother to sit up as someone entered the room.

    “Young master, are you feeling alright?” Sebastian called to Ciel, entering the room with Ciel’s tea. Ciel smelled the Earl Gray tea and only groaned slightly in response to Sebastian’s question. Sebastian sighed softly. “We should at least get you into some more comfortable clothing, Bocchan.” Sebastian said looking at Ciel slightly. He set the tray with the teapot, teacup and saucer on the nightstand.

    Ciel only sighed slightly and sat up, looking at Sebastian, his headache starting to come back slightly. Sebastian quickly took off ciel’s shirt and pulled out Ciel’s night shirt, and slipped his shirt on before pulling Ciel’s pants off. Seeing that Ciel was sick-even though the clothes were clean-he set them to the side to take them downstairs to be washed. Ciel pulled off his eye patch and set it on the nightstand, crawling under the covers, a fever starting to overtake him. He closed his eyes and started to drift off into the world of sleep-only to be rudely interrupted by Sebastian pouring some tea for him.

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