Chapter 20

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Demetria made her way over to where Sebastian was, tightening the apron that she had slipped on. She smiled softly and went over to Sebastian’s side, and tucked loose hair-from the new braid she had put into her hair after changing her dress-behind her ear. “So, what are we making?” She said, looking up at the tall dark haired male, leaning on the counter, her elbows propped up, her face resting on her hands.

    “Roast Lamb, Minted English Peas and some roasted potatoes.” Sebastian said, looking over at Demetria.

    She smiled and nodded. “Sounds good.” Sebastian gave her a small smile, and pulled all of the ingredients out. Demetria went to work on the Minted English Peas whereas Sebastian started on the Roast Lamb. Sebastian gave the Roast Lamb a simple Fava Bean braze, and put it in the oven to cook. He started on the roasted potatoes, and looked over at Demetria.

    “You look lovely, by the way.” Sebastian stated, and went back to the potatoes. This statement caused Demetria to blush bright red.

    “Thank you…” Demetria said, looking up at Sebastian. She smiled softly, and went back to making the Minted English Peas. When she was done with those, she went to helping Sebastian with the roasted potatoes.

    When all the food was done and cooked, both of them took their turns and plated the food. Sebastian set them on a tray and looked over at Demetria. “I’ll be back in a little while.” Sebastian said, and picked up the tray with the food and the drink and made his way out to the dining room. She smiled softly and started to wash the dishes, putting them away where she saw Sebastian had pulled them out.

    She tugged gently on her braid and looked around. She sighed softly and bit her lip as she waited for Sebastian to come back, leaning against the counter. It seemed to be a few more minutes later when she shook her head slightly and decided to head back up to Sebastian’s room. She was pretty sure she still knew where his room was. She sighed softly and made her way around up the stairs, making sure not the enter what she figured was the dining room along the way.

    Demetria walked up the stairs and went to the room that she believed was Sebastian’s. She took a deep breath and pushed open the door, prepared for eternal embarrassment. When there wasn’t anyone who said anything, she walked into the room, relieved when it was Sebastian’s room. She spotted Mr. Snuffums and went over to the bed, and sat down. Mr. Snuffums walked over and sat down on her lap and meowed, stretching his neck for Demetria to scratch behind his ear. She smiled softly and gently scratched behind Mr. Snuffums ear.

    Mr. Snuffums purred loudly and snuggled into Demetria’s lap, relaxing. Demetria smiled softly and relaxed. It had only been one days, but it felt as if it had been forever since she had been in here. She leaned back and closed her eyes, relaxing into the pillows and the bed. Her breathing slowed down, and she was soon drifting off into the world of sleep.

    After bringing the plates and glasses-along with the tray back into the kitchen, and washing them, Sebastian made his way up to his room. Figuring that Demetria was in there. Ciel had told him that he wouldn’t need him tonight-he wanted to spend some time with Elizabeth. Sebastian of course, understood and left Ciel alone with Elizabeth.

    He opened the door to his room and smiled softly when he was Demetria was fast asleep on the bed. Although, he was slightly disappointed. He pulled the letters out of his pocket and set them down on the nightstand, knowing that when Demetria woke up, she was sure to see them and read them. He saw Mr. Snuffums was curled up tightly on Demetria’s lap and chuckled slightly. That cat sure loved her. He pulled the blanket over her, Mr. Snuffums meowing in annoyance, crawled out from under the blanket and back onto Demetria’s lap, laying on top of the blanket. He sat blew out all of the candles but one, and loosened his tie. He took off his jacket and laid it over the back of a chair.

    Sebastian changed into more comfortable clothing that others called pajamas. He picked a book off of his bookshelf and sat down in a chair by the window and a candle, and started to read his book, taking in every word, his mind creating the scenarios that were happening in the book.


    Finny gently shook Bard awake. “Bard, Mey-Rin’s waiting for you!” Bard groaned slightly and woke up. He looked at Finny and yawned.

    “Thanks for waking me up Finny.” Bard told Finny. Finny gave him a bright smile and helped him up, off the bed.

    “Hurry, Mey-Rin’s waiting for you!” Finny said, practically pushing Bard out of the door.

    “Calm down Finny, I’m going, I’m going.” Bard laughed and walked out the door. Finny laughed at this and looks at Bard and Mey-Rin.

    “Have fun!” He smiled and Mey-Rin smiled back. “Now go on, don’t stand here at the door all day!”

    Bard laughed and walked off with Mey-Rin, both of them heading outside to look at the night sky. The stars were shining brighter and better then they had before. Bard and Mey-Rin sat down on the grass, looking up at the sky.

    “The sky’s so pretty tonight, yes?” Mey-Rin said, looking from the sky to Bard, who was staring up at the sky, finding constellations.

    “Yeah, it really is.” Bard smiled softly and counted the constellations he found.

    “What are you counting Bard?” Mey-Rin asked him, noticing he was holding up numbers on his fingers.

    “I’m counting how many constellations I’ve found.” Bard said, breaking his gaze from the night sky to Mey-Rin. He smiled softly at how the moonlight illuminated her face.

    “How many have you found?” She asked him, her voice hushed as to not disturb the silence of the night. The crickets were chirping rather loudly however.

    He smiled softly and looked over at her. “I’ve found a total of four.” Bard said, and started to point them out to her. Mey-Rin happily listened and searched for the other constellations. Eventually she was finding them faster then Bard was-at least she was once she took her glasses off. “Have I ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?” Bard said, looking at Mey-Rin.

    She blushed darkly. “T-Thanks…” Mey-Rin trailed off, blushing darkly. Bard smiled softly. Mey-Rin looked so beautiful in the moonlight. He leaned in and gently kissed the redheaded girl. Her face went even brighter red, and she kissed back softly after getting over her moment of shock of being kissed by Bard. Eventually, both Bard and Mey-Rin pulled away, and Bard smiled happily and and Mey-Rin tackled him into a bear hug, causing him to laugh-quite loudly and hug back, his back flat against the grass. Mey-Rin smiled happily and pecked Bard on the lips again.

    “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Bard said, hugging Mey-Rin close to his chest. Mey-Rin only laughed and smiled.

    “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to do that.” Mey-Rin said, her eyes filled to the brim with tears of happiness.

    “Mey-Rin… will you be mine?” Bard asked her, his voice hesitant, but gaining courage.

    “Of course I will Bard!” Mey-Rin said, and hugged Bard tightly. He smiled happily and hugged back, ecstatic that he finally asked the love of his life to be his, and even more then overjoyed at the fact that she had told him yes.  

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