Chapter 30

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Joker stopped in front of a manor and climbed off of the horse, holding out his hand so Demetria could get off of the horse. Demetria smiled slightly and took his hand, moving her leg over the side of the horse so she could get down easier. Joker smiled slightly, looking at the way the moons light made her look as if she was illuminating. Her hair looked almost white in the moonlight. He gently grabbed her waist and hoisted her off of the horse, setting her on the ground. She smiled appreciatively at him. Her eyes weren't red and puffy anymore from crying, but they were still filled with heartbreak. "Have I ever told 'ee that 'ee have beautiful eyes?"

    Demetria blushed darkly and shook her head slightly.

    "Well, 'ee do have beautiful eyes." Joker smiled softly and looked at her from the horse. "Give me a moment. I gotta hitch up the horse." Joker walked over to the horse and pulled out Demetria's bag, handing it to her. She gladly took her horse and watched as Joker tied the horses reins to a tree by the porch. Joker smiled slightly and looked back at Demetria, holding out his hand for her.

    Hesitatingly, Demetria put her hand in Joker's, letting him lead her up to the doorway. Joker thought back to what had happened earlier-how he had been looking for her and found her behind a tree. At first she thought that she was running away-until he heard the crying. This caused him to be extremely confused as she had been happy only twenty minutes ago-but then again, twenty minutes could be a long time. He growled under his breath at the memory, mad that someone as kind as Black, had broken Blade's heart. But then again-everyone has their secrets...

    Joker called out to the empty house, "Father! I'm home!" When there was no reply he sighed softly and lit an oil lamp, holding it in his prosthetic hand, while holding Demetria's hand in his real one. "Careful, we're going up some stairs." Demetria nodded and followed Joker up the stairs, careful not to trip on a stair. He lead her to the end of a long hallway and stopped in front of a large set of doors. "Wait here..." Demetria nodded, and Joker entered the large room, leaving her alone in the dark hallway with her cloth bag.

    She wrapped her arms around herself, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as the hallway seemed to get longer and become even more creepier by the second. Demetria bit her lip and sighed softly, shuffling her feet slightly. Why is this manor so dark? Where is this place really? Who's the head of this house anyways? A million questions rushed through her head, but she pushed those questions away to the back of her head and focused on Joker and how he was in there, talking to 'Father'... Whoever he was. She bit her lip slightly and stared at the floor, making out that it was most likely a soft, red, plush carpet that lined the hallway. The door creaked open slightly, causing her to look up and over at the door. She sighed softly in relief when it was only Joker.

    "Father would like to see 'ee now..." He said softly, opening up the door more, allowing Demetria to see in slightly. She gave him a small smile and walked into the room, rubbing her arm out of nervousness. Joker closed the door behind her, and walked behind her, gently taking her hand off of her arm to keep her from rubbing.

    "This is her Joker? I thought you said she was like you and the others?"

    "She is, she just... doesn't appear like that physically..." Joker said, gently rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

    The man laughed slightly-he sounded as if he was insane, Demetria noted. "Well, tell me your name girl!" Demetria shuffled her feet slightly, knowing that she wouldn't be able to to tell him anything.

    "Her name is Blade, Father." Joker stated.

    "Brought me a mute, Joker?"

    "Yes, but, to be part of the family." Joker said, almost nervously.

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