Chapter 31

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Demetria woke up, yawning softly. She rolled over and faced the open space in the room. There stood Joker, singing softly to himself, already dressed, and putting on his makeup. She heard him softly talking to himself after he stopped singing-but couldn't make out what he was saying. He closed a book next to him, letting his fingers slowly trail off of the book. He turned around and saw Demetria was now sitting up in bed, smiling softly as she watched him-only to turn dark red when she realized her had noticed that she was awake.     "Aw, don't be embarrassed." Joker walked over and gently patted her head-causing her to go darker red. He chuckled softly. "'Ee should get dressed though, we got a long day ahead." Demetria nodded slightly, her blush going away. She stood up and stretched out, a yawn coming from her throat. Joker laughed and handed her a photo of her and Father. "Father said this was for 'ee." Demetria nodded slightly, taking the photo and holding it gingerly in her hands. "Well, I'll be up with breakfast for 'ee in a minute or two, alright?" Demetria nodded slightly and walked over to her bag, putting the photo inside.     Joker smiled slightly and walked behind Demetria, giving her a big hug. She blushed darkly and turned around in his grasp and hugged back, nuzzling her face into his chest, giggling softly. He smiled happily and let her go. "Now, get dressed, I'll be back in a minute." He said, his voice soft and playful. Demetria giggled softly and nodded, pulling the fresh clothes out of her bag.     Joker left the room and Demetria started to get dressed, adjusting the dress slightly so it didn't squish her breasts as much. She pulled on her fishnet stockings and put on the thigh belt on her legs, using the clips to hold up the stockings. She then proceeded to put on her boots and lace them up, leaving only the necklace and the makeup to put on. She contemplated whether or not to actually put on the necklace-feeling betrayed by Beast, but she couldn't blame Beast... it was all Sebastian's fault. He was the one who took advantage of both her and Beast. She put on the necklace, the jewel seemingly shining brighter then ever. Demetria pulled out her makeup pallette and pulled out her brush, putting on her own circus makeup, being careful to make sure that the swirls were perfect. She smiled happily when she was done and all the swirls looked perfect. She then applied the red lips and wiped away some extra with the tip of her finger. She smiled happily, proud that she had done a very good job with her makeup.     She pulled her hair out of its braid and was brushing through it when Joker walked in. Demetria finished brushing her hair as Joker set some breakfast down on the nightstand. "I brought some food for both me and 'ee." Demetria smiled appreciatively and turned around towards Joker. She hugged him tightly as thanks. Joker held out his arms slightly in surprise and he looked down at Demetria before relaxing slightly and hugging back, a smile of happiness on his face. Joker sighed softly and mumbled. "I'm sorry, but Father wants me to do this... says it'll bring Ciel Phantomhive here quicker..." Demetria went to look at him in surprise, but, before she could, she felt something heavy hit the back of her head, causing her to collapse to the ground, knocked out.         ————————————————————————————————————

    Demetria woke up to the sound of a loud bang and a scream. She groaned slightly and sat up, holding her head with one hand, the other hand helping to prop herself up. She looked around at the scene that was going on before her-Father was dead on the floor-Ciel's foot on his head, and Joker's prosthetic was cast to the side, whereas he lay on the floor-bleeding profusely-his arm was severed and lay on the ground behind him. Demetria's eyes widened slightly in horror as her breath quickened, bile building up in her throat. She examined where she was and noticed that there were metal bars that obstructed most of her view. She looked around, and noticed that it was a cage. She was in a cage. Joker had knocked her out and put her in a cage. She felt lost and betrayed.     "Bocchan, it seems that Demetria has awoken." Ciel grunted slightly and nodded.     "Sebastian, get her out of there."     "Yes, My lord." Sebastian walked over to the cage and busted the lock, helping Demetria out of the cage. Her legs were shaking, and the bile was only building up more and more in her throat. She clung tightly to Sebastian's arm, completely tuning out from what was happening around her and what people were saying as it all started to crash down on her-causing her to double over and vomit until she dry heaved. Sebastian stood behind her, gently rubbing her back as she shook slightly. Slowly, she stood up, vomit clinging to her chin.     Sebastian pulled out his handkerchief and gently wiped her chin, folding the handkerchief back up so the vomit was on the inside, and tucking it back into his pocket. He gently picked her up and set her down on the pedestal to rest. Demetria wrapped her arms around herself and squeezed her eyes shut, hearing Joker talk to her.     "Blade? 'Ee be with these men too?!"     "Don't talk to her." Sebastian said menacingly, as if he was prepared to strike Joker once again.     "Calm down Sebastian, it was only a question." Ciel interjected, before Sebastian could possibly cause Joker any more bodily harm.     Demetria then decided to tune out from the world, heading into her own little world, pulling her knees close to her chest. She only snapped out of it when she felt hands gripping her shoulders. She looked up to see Doc standing in front of her, a knife in one hand, another hand. Her eyes widened in surprise and she moved backwards, falling off of the table-flat on her back. She coughed slightly and fought to get her breath back as it had left her. Sebastian was busy comforting Ciel who seemed to almost be caught in a memory. She struggled for her breath as she stood up, gaining it after a few minutes. She gripped the side of the table for support.     Demetria closed her eyes for only a few minutes until she felt some arms wrap around her and pick her up, and the smell of burning flesh filled her nostrils. She opened her eyes and noticed that it was Sebastian who had picked her up. The smell of burning flesh and the smoke caused her to think back to the night of the inn. She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in Sebastian's shoulder, trying hard not to remember that night. But it was too late, that memory was already hitting her at full force.     Burning. Burning and screaming was all Demetria could smell or hear. She tried to take her mind to other places and she tripped and fell down the last set of stairs, her arm bursting with pain. She was about to cry out, but stopped when the pain suddenly seemed to slowly disappear. She looked over at her arm and noticed that the fire seemed to be licking her arm. It was burning, but the burns were disappearing quickly. She frowned at this and stood up, moving her dress to look at her leg. It was still burned, but the burns were disappearing. She frowned slightly and heard some creaking. She was about to take another step, but something stopped her-which she was glad for, seeing as a beam from the roof of the inn fell to the floor in a fiery inferno. She shook off the shock and jumped over the beam, making her way to the door of the inn. It was locked-almost as if they wanted people to be stuck in there. She panicked and ran towards the back door, spotting a note tacked to the door. She looked at it for a moment and saw her name and her last name on the note. She took it and pulled the tack off, throwing the tack into the flames, shoving the letter into her bodice. She ran out of the inn... Before the memory could continue it seemed to be engulfed in the flames, causing Demetria to jerk out of the memory-and out of Sebastian's arms. She fell flat on her back-fortunately it was softer grass this time, instead of hard floor.     "Demetria, are you alright?" Sebastian asked, slightly surprised.     Demetria nodded slightly, standing up, her legs still shaking.     Sebastian nodded. "Well, Bocchan's sleeping..." He gestured to Ciel who was sleeping in his arms. "And we're on our way back to the manor. We're about twenty steps from making it inside." Sebastian chuckled softly. You dozed off when we were leaving Baron's house." Demetria sighed softly and nodded, heading inside the manor-Sebastian following close behind, Ciel cradled in his arms. "Goodnight, Demetria.... and I know you saw Beast and I at the circus... it was just to get much needed information..." Sebastian stated quietly.     Demetria looked up at him, her eyes full of hurt as she remembered what had happened between Beast and Sebastian. She held out her pinky for a pinky promise-which was fairly immature of her, she knew that but that wasn't the point.-Sebastian sighed softly and interlocked pinkies with her, both of them giving a little shake. Demetria sighed softly and nodded, before smiling softly and looking back up at Sebastian-who had a slightly devilish smile on his face. She looked at him confused, that was, until he leaned in and pressed his lips against her. And almost instantly, Demetria kissed back, letting Sebastian know that she felt that same as he did. It really was love.

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