Chapter 13

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Demetria’s dreams were plagued by the nightmares that have haunted her for so long. Ever since she was first locked inside that concrete room, the nightmares plagued her dreams, locking out all of the good dreams. It seemed that good dreams were a rarity nowadays, seeing as all she had were nightmares or no dreams at all. On the outside, it looked like Demetria was sleeping peacefully, if you ignored the tears that were streaming down her sleeping face, but on the inside, she was screaming, begging for the man to stop hurting her. Begging for the pain to be over. After the knife had made her back tender and sore, the whip was more painful then ever, the claws at the end of the whip tearing the young woman’s back up, blood as orange as fire leaking for the open wounds. Which only made the man want to her hurt her more, thinking the whole time that it was her fault his parents were dead.

    Then there was the problem with the demon. He would keep asking if had his fill of revenge and felt like the girl had endured enough pain. Of course, he kept saying no, filling like she deserved an eternity of pain for killing the two people he loved most. And the demon couldn’t take his soul until the girl either ran away, or he felt like he had his fill of her pain. Of course, he would never have his fill of her pain, and he was almost certain that she wouldn’t dare run away.

    Back in the real world, where Demetria was sleeping unharmed, was a young girl, shaking and crying in her sleep, her body convulsing. Causing a racket as the headboard was banging against the wall. Which disturbed an already agitated demon-as he had to go back and cover the tracks of Demetria’s and his sent on the Phantomhive property and to his own temporary house-unlock the door and head into the room. Of course, his heart felt pity for the young woman who he had taken for his collection, and hatred for her captor-his previous master-as he made his way over to the girl. When he made it over to the bed, he sat down and gently took the young pyromaniac into his arms, soothing the young girl into a peaceful state, allowing for the nightmare to fade, and a nice, soothing, and good dream replacing it. The demon hoped by giving her good dreams the replace the bad ones, she wouldn’t want to leave his arms again. Oh, but if he could only see what it was that she was dreaming of. He would have taken her long before the other demon could sink his claws into her delicate fragile heart.

    ¨My name is Chad...¨ The demon said softly, brushing her hair out of her face as she snuggled close to his chest searching for warmth. ¨And I only wish to take your heart as mine, seeing as you are the last, and only one of your kind. It would be a wonderful prize to have something… someone as unique as you are. Although I admit, you are not the fairest maiden I have seen, I can get over that, as you have a soul that makes you shine brighter then the rest, and in turn, makes you seem to be more beautiful… You have a very fiery soul…” Chad chuckled to himself as he talked to the sleeping Demetria. But, although she may have been asleep, his words still sunk deep into the roots of her dream, changing the Sebastian holding her close in her dream, into Chad holding her close. This disturbed Demetria deeply, waking her up almost instantly. Her eyes wandered around the room to see if she could find the demon the darkness of her room, but alas, there was nothing to find, as Chad had left long ago to find a soul to eat. Dreams work slower then the real world, time passes much slower in a dream then it does in real life, so a minute could be five or more minutes in the real world. She sat up and looked around the room, her eyes finally adjusting to the dark light level. She sighed softly and grabbed a pillow holding it to her chest as she slowly got over her nightmare.

    As she assumed was most likely dawn, seeing as there was morning light crawling in from the crack in the bottom of the door between the floor and the actual door itself, her eyes finally had adjusted enough that she could find a box of matches, when she found the box, she pulled one out and struck it against the side of the box lighting it almost instantly. She hesitated for a minute, wondering if she really should light the candle, before deciding to the light the candle, her breath finally even after a long time of breathing control. She looked around the room as the newly lit candle caused the room to light up with the illumination of the candle. She sighed softly as she went around and lit the other candles, causing the room to be lit up even more. Standing on the tips of her toes in the middle of the room, she could almost reach the oil lamp. Demetria sighed softly and stood back on the flats of her feet, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to reach the lamp. The ceiling was high in the main room, where as it was quite low in the other two rooms she had explored the previous day. She looked around the room and noticed that there was one more door that she hadn’t noticed the day before.

    Demetria made her way over to the room, her feet shuffling along the floor in a tired manner. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with the heel of her hand, the candle still in her hand from when she was lighting the other candles. She cautiously pushed open the door and peered inside. A bright light was pooling inside the room, and blinded her momentarily. She squinted slightly and rubbed her eyes again, trying to make them adjust faster. She walked inside the room and saw a massive window on one wall, she rushed over hoping that it was a way out, but it was too high up for her-even with a chair-and it was barred. She cursed under her breath-that demon had thought of everything. The thought of the demon had brought her to think about her dream that the demon had been in. He had been talking to her, telling her what he wanted with her… and he told her his name. She frowned slightly, but was still glad that she had some way to see what time of day it was and a little natural lighting-even if it wasn’t possible for her to make an exit. She sighed softly and looked at the chair that sat under the window, and blew out the candle. She set the candle to the side on a desk table by the chair, and sat down. Looking around at the room, she noticed that the room contained a small bookshelf that held maybe twenty or so books from various authors.

    Hearing the door to the room she was staying in open, Demetria got out of the chair begrudgingly, and went over to the doors that led out of the room. “I’ve brought you breakfast, my flower.” The demon said, holding a tray of food for Demetria. He set it down on a nightstand and looked at Demetria.

    “Thanks…” Demetria mumbled softly, looking at the demon. “Is your name… Is your name Chad, by any chance?” Demetria asked him, looking from him to the tray of food. He gave a soft chuckled and looked at her.

    “Yes, my name is Chad. How did you know?” He asked her, curious to know the answer.

    “I…” She sighed and shook her head. “I’ll sound stupid, but I saw you in a dream… You were talking about something-I don’t remember what… but you said your name… so I was curious…” She blushed, her voice containing a hint of shyness.

    “That’s not stupid at all flower, in fact, I’d say that it’s just a coincidence that you happened to have me appear in your dream.” He laughed, his voice soft like velvet. He walked over to her, and placed his fingers under his chin, lifting her head gently so Demetria looked at him. Demetria gripped her arm tightly with her hand, looking at Chad. He seemed to getting closer to her face before he dropped his hand and moved away. “Anyways, I must be going.” He looked at her one last time before leaving the room and locking the door again.

    Demetria relaxed her grip on her arm and sighed, heading over to the bed. She sat down and took the tray, setting it down on her lap. She looked at the food that was on the tray, it was just a simple plate of eggs with some bacon on the side. She sighed softly and pushed the bacon away, not necessarily a fan of any type of pig meat. She picked up the fork and ate her eggs, the taste of the egg along with a salt and pepper taste lingering on her tongue as she ate the eggs. She smiled softly at the taste, the small meal reminding her of what Sebastian would bring her for lunch. She ate the rest of the meal and set the tray back down, wishing that there were at least a water glass along with the meal to wash it down. Although, she was too terribly thirsty.

    Demetria made her way back to the room that was lit up by natural lighting and sat down in the middle of the room, not even bothering to sit in the chair. She smiled softly as the soft sunlight shined down onto her, cascading over her thin body that had started to gain some of its natural curves back. She sighed softly and ran her hands through her hair, looking up at the big window that sat in the wall, just out of her reach when she stood on the chair under the window. She sighed softly and lied down on the floor, her hair spreading around her head like a lions mane. She closed her eyes, just relaxing on the floor in the middle of the room as the sun felt warm on her face, thinking and wondering if anyone remembered that she existed… if Sebastian cared… if her father remembered her-or if her father was even alive still…

    Demetria pushed away the dark thoughts that taunted her at the back of her mind and opened her eyes again, sitting back up. She sighed softly and stood up slowly, heading over to the bookshelf. Demetria examined the bookshelf and pulled out a book that looked somewhat interesting and sat back down in the middle of the room where the sunlight was the brightest and opened up the book to the first page, and started reading the book to herself, her eyes quickly reading the page, as she flipped through page after page, taking in everything the book had to offer for her. The fictional world being her main source of entertainment seeing as there was nothing else for her to do in the giant room-besides sleep and brush her hair constantly. But instead of doing either of those two, she decided to read the books that had been provided for her on the bookshelf.

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