1 - the past

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*Your POV*

Finally, we could get onto this stupid plane and fly out of this ragged neighbourhood. [(O/h) old hometown] was like living in hell. My abusive and alcoholic father never cared for me or my mum. 15 long years of being stuck with him, and we only left now. We had no other choice, this was our only chance to escape. He had taken it too far when he pulled out that gun.

Mum and I found our seat in the plane and tried to stay calm. We basically ran to the airport after taking dad's money and leaving. I shifted my mask around, the sweat was really starting to stink it up. Prosthetics are never fun.

I unbuckled the bottom strap that sat just above my neck and lifted it up so that I could actually breathe. I grabbed my small mirror and inspected my face, softly touching old burns and scars. I got up and went to the airplane bathroom at the back. When I locked the door, I slid down and unbuckled my mask and shoved it away, sobbing quietly. He ruined my friendships. My face.

My life.

I hate him and I'm so so glad I'll never have to see that jerk of a dad again. Hell, he doesn't even deserve to be called a father. That would be an insult to dads.

I stood up and walked to the mirror, leaning my hands on the sink. I stared up at myself. I looked into my face, sliding fingers across my scars. A large purple scar went from my cheek to my chin, and a large burn sat on the left. Several other small scratches could be seen too, but the largest ones were the most noticeable. Good reason I have my prosthetic, otherwise I'd be getting even more looks than normal, and I normally got quite a few from strangers. A 15 year old girl shouldn't have to hide her face like this. No one deserves to go through what I've been through. Except my dad. He can burn in hell for all I care.

I washed and dried the tear stains away, grabbed my mask and buckled it back on. I shook all the worries I was keeping out of my body and took a couple of deep breaths. As I was about to walk out, a tall middle aged man opened the door. He had blue hair.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here." He said. His voice was rough.

"Don't worry about it!" I said happily, and walked out. As I went back to my row at the front of the plane, I saw someone with the same blue hair as the man from the bathroom walking my way down the isle. They had their hair done up in pigtails and they wore a black sweater with red ripped jeans, and wore lots of rings. Their skin was pale. They looked around my age. I looked up to their face. They... they were like me.

I made eye contact with them. They must've noticed my mask as well. I looked back down quickly and fixed my mask as I slid past them. Before I knew it, I was quickly speed walking to my row. I slid past my mum, who was sleeping soundly, and sat into my seat. 

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-' I thought.

No way that just happened. No fucking way I just saw someone who I could actually relate to. He was actually pretty hot too. This day was already crazy enough, and now this?? What the hell dude. I sat there pondering, thinking how destiny must've placed us together at the exact same date and time. I plugged in my headphones and scrolled through my Spotify playlist, looking for some tunes to get loose to. It wasn't long before I fell into a deep sleep.

just like me | sally face x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now