14 - bathroom

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*Your POV*

There he was.

Eating out another girls face. Drunk. I felt hot tears crawl into my eye sockets. Larry looked up from the pink-haired girl with hazy eyes, seconds before realising what was happening. His eyes widened before opening his mouth to let out slurred words.

"(Y-Y/N) *burp* Iz not what it *hic* lookz like!!" I turned my heel before running out of the crowd, not letting Larry finish his sentence. 

Bastard!! I thought. The word repeated in my throbbing head. I looked up to see my vision, blurred from the tears. I saw Sal awkwardly still standing next to the snack bar, with his soda in hand. He saw me and gave a little wave. I put my arm up to my mask, covering my sadness.

I ended up running into the bathroom, which thankfully, was empty. I ran into a stall before locking it and slid down the wall, onto the floor. I attempted to unbuckle my mask, but my shaky hands were getting the better of me. 

I finally managed to unbuckle it and took it off my face, resting in the feeble position. I let hot tears run down my face and onto my clothes as I sobbed quietly and grabbed my hair, scrunching it up. My makeup would look like shit now, not that anyone was going to see it anyway, but tomorrow morning would be another story.

I gasped quietly as I head the bathroom door slam open loudly. Please, PLEASE, let it be anyone but Larry right now. I held my breath as I waited for a sign.

"(Y/N)?" I heard a muffled voice say. I perked up when I realised who it was. I stayed seated.
"(Y/N)? Are you in here? What happened?" "S-sal?" I said through sniffles. I heard a quiet "Oh thank god" from the voice as it made it's way over to my stall. I could see blue converse from under the stall gap. "(Y/N) come out. Please tell me what's wrong." Sal said softly. I got up as I buckled my mask back on, and slowly unlocked the stall door.

As soon as it swung open I felt a pair of arms embrace me tightly. I sobbed into his shoulder, hugging back just as tight. We pulled away as we both sat down against the wall of the bathroom. I explained everything to Sal, everything that had just happened. "I-it went by so fast, I d-didn't think it was real." I sniffled. Sal kept his arm around me and kept me close to him. He rubbed my back slowly as I poured everything out.

He encouraged me to take some deep breaths and clear my mind. Just as I was about to speak, the bathroom door slammed open once more. Travis and a boy crashed in, only to see us on the floor. "Jesus Christ! Are you okay (Y/N)??" Travis said, slightly slurred. "Yeah," I lied, "What the hell happened with you? You guys drunk or something?" I said. Trav turns to the boy from the dance floor. "Yeah, drunk in LOVE!" "C'mere you." The other boy said, smashing his lips onto Travis'. They moved their business into the nearest stall, locking it. All I could do was stare from the door to Sal, before giggling slightly. 

"C'mon, let's ditch this place. We'll go watch a movie and go back to the apartments. How does that sound?" I finished wiping away my tears and got up. "Sounds great." I smiled softly.

just like me | sally face x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now