5 - the bully

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*Your POV*

That blonde boy was still staring at me. I decided to look away and pretend that I didn't see him. As I was about to start walking into the school, I got shoved to the left, almost losing my balance completely. I whipped my head to the right to find the same blonde kid from before. I could finally see what he looks like clearly. He had nicely tanned skin with a large bruise across his eye and stood around 5 inches taller than me. His face was stuck in a disgusted look. I wonder if that was his resting bitch face or not.

"Hey freak!" he hollered, "Halloween ended a little while ago, dont'cha think?!" I chuckled slightly, amused at his little game he wanted to play. "Oh please, if you're gonna call me names then come up with something original." I said boldly. A small crowd had started to huddle around us. I could hear the crowd giggle slightly which made 'Blondy Boy' quite mad. He lunged himself at me, pinning me down by my wrists to the concrete. My head harshly hit the floor which made me groan in pain.

He stood up and stomped on my stomach. "Freaks like you belong in a kennel." He huffed. I rolled over to my side, clutching my gut. Glad I finished my period the other week.

"O-oh yeah?" I wheezed. "Well... you're a... bold one.. aren'tcha? You k-kiss your daddy with that m-mouth?" I said as I struggled to get back on my feet. He lunged forward again, taking another hit, this time to my eye. I dragged along the floor on my back, immediately clutching my stomach with one hand and held my mask with the other. The blonde bitch stood over me and pinned my hands to the ground once more, one with his shoe and one with his hand. 

"Now let's see what you really look like, Freak." He said as he reached out to unbuckle my mask. "N-NO! PLEASE!" I screamed. 

Just as he was about to rip my face off, I could see a familiar face behind him. Sal grabbed the tanned boy by the collar and lifted him off me. I could finally breathe easier and I quickly buckled the straps again. Sal stood there, madder than ever. He shoved the blonde boy. "Lay off, Travis." The blonde boy paused for a moment. "Ugh, whatever Fag." Travis said, walking away.

I rolled over so that my back was to the sky and lifted my mask slightly. I coughed and saw some blood on the floor. My eyes widened. Suddenly I was helped up by Larry and Sal who helped walk me over to the nurse. "We should never have left you there by yourself (Y/N), we should've known Travis would be out to pick on whoever he hadn't seen before." I heard Larry say. I sighed and thanked them.

----small time skip----

I was lying on one of the beds in the sick bay, clutching my stomach still. That would certainly be leaving a bruise by the time I wake up tomorrow. I readjusted my 2 icepacks once more to a cooler part. "Jesus Christ." I mumbled. This was the last thing I wanted to happen, especially on the first day. Now everyone will think I'm a freak AND an easy target. Great.

I stood up and practiced balancing myself before telling the nurse that I was feeling better. Even though she hesitated, she sighed and let me go. I thanked her and made my way over to the bathroom. I went over to the mirrors and took my mask off. Nothing was visible. Yet. Just as I was examining my face, someone entered the bathroom. I gasped as I didn't have time to grab my mask, so I just covered my face with my hands, peeking through my eyes. A girl no taller that 5'6 entered and stared at me. She had beautiful long brown hair with a tint of red in it, and wore a large purple sweater with brown jeans. Her eyes were a pretty emerald colour.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, did I interrupt something?" She said, taken aback. "N-no it's okay! I just wasn't expecting anyone to walk in, haha." I chuckled lightly. She smiled back in return. "I'm Ashley, but most people just call me Ash. What's yours?" "(Y/N)." I said. "That's such a sweet name!! I love it!" Ash said, beaming.

"Is your face okay by the way? I can help if you're hurt if you want!" she said kindly. I paused, hands still covering my face. "M-my face isn't that... appealing. I look hideous." Ash walks over to me and holds my hands. "You don't have to show me if you don't want to. But I just want you to know that I won't judge you, no matter how you look." Ash said, still smiling. I let out a deep breath and slowly took away my hands, looking down at the floor. I could hear her let out a small gasp and then giggle. 

"You're so pretty! I don't know what you're talking about."

Without thinking, I hugged her tightly. She hugged back as well, which made me feel really happy inside. After about a minute, we pulled apart and she even helped me put on my mask again! We walked out and headed back to our classes, hopefully seeing each other again soon.

just like me | sally face x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now