13 - prom dress

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*Your POV*

We all headed down the elevator and got into the back of the nicely rented car. We thanked Larry and Sal as we drove off towards the school. I was basically shaking from excitement in my seat, I couldn't help it. This was my first prom I'm about to experience. EVER.

After around 10 minutes, we finally arrived at our school, where we met up with Chug and Todd, along with his boyfriend too. Even Travis ended up coming and sheesh, he did look pretty good. Black suit and black tie, along with a white shirt. All the men there looked so handsome. And I have to admit, some of the girls there are lookin' pretty good as well.

We all walked inside the gym as one big group and were greeted by teachers and other students there. Our gang headed straight to the dance floor and jumped up and down to the music in a massive pile. 

----20 minutes later----

After a while of that, I could feel my head getting slightly dizzy, so I decided to take a quick break and get a drink from the snack table.

After grabbing [(f/d)favourite drink], I saw Travis making his way towards me through the crowd. "Hey Trav, how's the night doing for you?" I said as he filled his cup up with apple juice. "You know, better than I expected." He said, leaning against the table just beside me. We both leaned on the table, watching the group of students get crazy and yell. I sighed, taking another sip from my cup. "Hey (Y/N)?" I heard Travis say next to me. "Sup?" "You see that brunette with the short hair, just on the right?" Travis points. I scoot over to him so I have the same angle as him.

"I think he's pretty cute." Travis says.

"Wellll, go talk to him! Dance with him man!" I said, encouragingly nudging his arm with my elbow. "Pshh, naww. I couldn't. I'm too nervous." He says defensively. "You only live once man, just saying." I shrugged. Travis empties the rest of his drink into his mouth and starts to walk away before stopping and turning around. He brings me into a massive hug, which genuinely surprised me. "Thanks dude. I'm really glad I met you, even if it ended with a couple of bruises and blood." He said, his voice breaking slightly. I embraced him back, holding him tightly. "Alright alright, too much. Now go get yo man!" I said, breaking the hug. Travis smiled back as he moved quickly back into the group.

I smiled as I watched him disappear into the pile of teenagers, looking for his hopefully soon-to-be boyfriend. I sure hope he ends up finding him. I better be the flower girl at their wedding or I swear to God I'll-

My train of thought was interrupted by Sal walking over to me, stumbling slightly. "Woahoho- someone had a few drinks already?" I said jokingly. Sal leans on the table next to me, facing the dance floor. "Nah, just, adrenaline. Makes you feel alive, huh?" I smiled to myself. "Yeah." Sal went to go grab a cup before filling it up with a soft drink. I took a couple of deep breaths, trying to make out my friend's faces in the crowd.

I spotted Ash dancing with a cute girl with short wavy hair, so they seemed to be having a good time. I saw Chug and Maple dancing together as well. I even found Travis dancing with the boy he pointed out just minutes before, both of them smiling widely and laughing. God everyone has such cute couples. I'm so glad I have Larry.

Speaking of Larry, I hadn't seen him for a while. He hadn't come out for a drink yet, which was odd. "Hey Sal, I'm gonna go find Larry. Wish me luck." I said. He salutes in return, "Good luck soldier, may the odds be ever in your favour." I giggled, recognising the reference he made. 

I made my way through the pit of sweaty and loud teenagers, some drunk, some just having a good time. I spotted the top of Larry's head around 10 metres away. I crawled through people and finally made it to Larry. 

Only to feel my stomach drop through me.

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