6 - black eye

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*Your POV*

The sweet sound of the final bell ringing was so good to hear. I walked out of the classroom along with everyone else and headed to my locker to pack my bag. I walked over to Sal's locker to find both Sal and Larry there. I gave a small wave as Sal quickly made sure his mask was on properly. Such a goofy boy, he is.

The 3 of us walked out of 'Hell' and decided to go get slushies at 7-11.

----small time skip----

After a various amount of snapchat videos and brainfreezes, we all made our way back to the apartments. The walk was beautiful; the breeze was flowing through my hair and I could feel the coldness seep through the eye holes of my mask. We giggled as we cracked many jokes, and before we knew it, we were already home. Sal and I said bye to Larry as we headed up the elevator to floor 4. The lights flickered, which made me feel uneasy at times. Sal could tell, so he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, our sides touching ever so slightly. I internally screamed a little.

The shaky elevator finally came to the 4th floor and Sal and I parted ways. I let myself in and saw a note on the table.

'Hey hun, make sure to keep and ear out for any knocks at the door, some furniture parts might still be arriving. Just stepping out, be back soon. Love you xx' I smiled and unbuckled my mask. Finally, a bit of me time. I went in the bathroom to wash my face so it least felt refreshed. I splashed some water onto my face and let the water drip off my nose. I grabbed a hand towel and wiped my face dry. I flicked my head up to catch myself in the mirror, only to be brought with a surprise.

A large deep purple bruise formed on my left eye. My eye was red and very hot, despite washing my face with cold water just before. I panicked and ran to the freezer to grab some ice cubes and wrapped them in the small hand towel. I gritted my teeth as I let the coldness spread to my skin.

'Ding dong.'

My eyes widened. "SHIT! THE DELIVERY GUY!" I quietly panicked. I ran to the lounge and buckled up my mask as quickly as possible. I neatened up my hair and opened to front door to see a young man with a big box. "Uhhh- is this for.. uhm- (M/N) (L/N)?" God interns are always so nervous huh. "Yeah, I'm her daughter." "Oohkay, just uhm.. sign here please." The delivery guy said as he shakily grabbed his clipboard. 

"I- uhm.. I like your mask!" he said as I wrote my mother's signature. I looked up at him. "Oh, hahah, yeah thanks, I don't usually get that often. but thank you!" I said, smiling through my mask. He awkwardly smiled back and took the clipboard when I had finished with it. I gave him a little wave as he tipped his hat and walked away. I picked up the box, which, despite its size, surprisingly wasn't too heavy.

I slammed the door with my foot whilst balancing the parcel on my leg, and walked over to the center of the lounge room. I chucked the box on the carpet. Hopefully it didn't say fragile on it. Oh well.

I stared at my phone for the time. 5:12pm. I should probably start making dinner. I thought of the most simple yet yummy dish I could think of. I grabbed a pot and filled it with water...

----small time skip----

I heard keys jingle against the door as I served 2 dishes of spaghetti with butter on the benchtop. I smiled as I saw my mum enter through the door with 4 bags of groceries. I ran over to her to help carry some bags before putting the food away. We both sat down and ate dinner before I cleaned up and went to take a shower. I got into bed that night and tried to rest on my right side more than my left so that I could have a better sleep. I ended up drifting off, staring at the ceiling.

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