12 - prep

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*Your POV*

As usual, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears, only this time I was actually happy to hear it. I got out of bed immediately and grabbed my mask before almost losing my balance. I caught myself and ran in the shower to make sure I smelt nice.

----small time skip----

After getting out of the shower and putting my trademark HelloKitty bubblegum body mist on, I could hear a knock at the door. I rushed to put a hoodie and shorts on whilst making my way over to the entrance. I opened the door to find a very excited Ash and Maple with palettes of make up and eyeliners.

We all headed into my room as we played [(f/s)favourite song] on my large speaker, blasting it throughout my room. I didn't want my face to be seen, even at Prom, but I still wanted to pretty myself up, even if it hid under my mask. I applied some eyeliner and looked in the mirror when I finished.

It wasn't much, but I was so proud of it, even if I still wore my mask over it

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It wasn't much, but I was so proud of it, even if I still wore my mask over it. I was interrupted from my scar touching by Ash who called me over for a photo. She put a cute filter on whilst wrapping her arm around my waist gently. 

I swiped my hand infront of my face as Ash took the picture on her polaroid camera as I still had my mask off. "(Y/N)!! You don't have to hide your face you know!" She says sweetly. I blush and apologise before taking another picture, this time without my hand covering my face. As the photo developed Maple said something.

"See? You're just as pretty without the mask (Y/N)." She said. I blushed and hugged both of them. I'm so goddamn lucky to have such close girlfriends I can rely on.

I decided to meet Larry and Sal at school instead of walking with them today, just so I could have some girl time with Ash and Maple which I thought would be nice.

----small time skip----

All the classes were really boring today, even worse, nothing interesting happened. No fights, no new announcements, nothing. Oh well, at least there was Prom in a few hours so that kept me excited. I got to catch up with Travis at lunch today too! I just wish that him and Larry didn't hate each other so much. I bet they'd be real good friends. My backtracking on todays memories was suddently broken by a loud noise.


FINALLY, the last bell of school had rung! Papers were flying everywhere in the shape of little planes. Students were running all over the place making a racket. It felt like home. I waved to Larry and Sal who would be picking Ash, Maple and I up from the apartments. Apparently they needed to go rent a car so they can be all fancy and drive us to the school hall. I rolled my eyes and told them that we we're happy walking, but they insisted. I eventually gave in and said goodbye to the boys, making my way home with the girls.

After around a 20 minute walk, the 3 of us headed into the elevator of the apartments and went up to floor 4. I unlocked room 404 and headed inside, the girls following closely behind. Mum must've been out working, considering all the lights were off and she was no where to be found. Which meant loud music for 4 hours!

----4 hours later----

After putting on our dresses and taking many more photos, we heard a horn beep from the road below. I rushed over to the window before opening it and waving to Sal and Larry. I made sure that I had everything I needed for the night before exiting my room. Mum stared at me with tears in her eyes. "Look at my baby all grown up." She said catching me before I left. "Mum, I'm 15, not 24. Plus! It's just a small formal, nothing too special." I said in annoyance playfully, "Of course, darling. Enjoy yourself." I gave her a big hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving with the lovely dressed girls.

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