17 - high and no mistakes

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*Your POV*

I went inside to grab a small tray as Sal went down to the basement to grab some of Larry's weed stash. We met back up outside on the balcony of my flat and lit some weed. (A/N: being raised with a strict christian mother who never lets me do jack shit, i have no idea how to do drugs LMAO)

We both inhaled it deeply from under our masks, before starting to feel it sinking in. Both of us started to giggle as we sat outside on the sofa. After staring into sweet nothing, I heard Sal speak.

"H-hey, do you want a tongue piercing?" He said through soft laughs. I agreed immediately as he ran to get the kit from his flat. He came back shortly with a small kit in hand. As he was preparing everything, he made it clear that he had done this before when Larry and him did it together. I agreed, not even half knowing what the fuck was going on. I saw Sal sterilising all the tools we needed, just to ensure nothing got infected. I decided to put on some music while I waited.

NOW PLAYING - After Dark by Mr Kitty

(click the song above if u want now lol <3)

I shifted my mask up a bit so that my mouth was revealed slightly. Sal then came up to me and told me to stick out my tongue before pressing an ice cube in my mouth, numbing it on both sides of my tongue to ensure there was not a lot of pain. "Ready?" Sal said. "Uh-huh" I struggled to say with my tongue still out. I felt a small sharp pain in my tongue, which made me whimper ever so slightly. Before I knew it, the needle had already fully went through the center of my tongue. Sal then replaced it with a smaller needle with a ball at the top. He twisted it on, and tightened it. (A/N: again, i have never had anything except my ears pierced before, please do not get mad if i wrote the process incorrectly fjkdfhkd)

"All done!" He said, with the smell of weed in his breath. I shakily put my tongue back into my mouth before walking slowly over to a mirror. I stuck my tongue out to see a small silver ball on my tongue. I hazily laughed softly at the craziness of it all. Sal walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me as I bought out my phone. I took a cute mirror pic of us and saved it.

I wasn't expecting this to come next...

just like me | sally face x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now