19 - together

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*Your POV*

I woke up to the sound of cameras clicking and soft laughing. My eyes slowly opened fully after blinking a few times. I could then see the source of the noise. Ash and a girl from last night was taking pictures of Sal and I and Chug and Maple were laughing softly. I squealed and covered my face with my hands, also laughing. "How the fuck did you guys get in??" I giggled. Ash chuckled before saying "Your mum was sweet enough to let us in for some breakfast." "Your mum makes REALLY. FREAKING. GOOD pancakes (Y/N). Just saying." Chug said.

I heard Sal groan softly as he rubbed his face. "What the fuck-" he mumbled. "Oh, hey guys. Where's Larry?" Sal said. I scoffed at the forbidden name and got up from the comfy bed that was Sal and went to go make some breakfast in the kitchen. "Sorry Sal." I said after hearing a soft "nooooo-" from him. "Oh uh, he.. wasn't feeling too well. Especially after last night. You aren't mad at him, are you (Y/N)?" Said Ash. I stopped to think for a second before responding.

"I think one of us would've left sooner or later. I knew it wouldn't work out in the end." I said softly, sniffling slightly. "Aw (Y/N)." Ash said, walking over to me and giving me a hug. "Hey, don't try and steal my girl (Y/N)!" The unknown girl said jokingly as she giggled. "Chill babe!" Ash said, laughing as she pulled away. Ash got a girlfriend! I'm so happy for her!

"So, whaddya wanna do now?" I head Ash say. "Well, Chug and I were gonna go do some shopping, how bout you guys?" Maple said. "I think we might just go to my house and chill, that okay Hun?" Ash's girlfriend said. "Yeah, sounds good. I'm ready to go now if you want. Thanks Ms (L/N)!" Ash yelled, "Thanks for the pancakes Ms (L/N)!" Chug shouted. A muffled voice came from the other room. "No worries guys! Love you!" And with that, they left, leaving Sal and I alone together once again.

I continue to make my breakfast before I feel a pair of hands snake around my waist. "Mmm, I never got a formal 'Good morning' (Y/N).." He groans quietly. I chuckled lightly and gave a small "Good morning bub." to him, to which he squeezed me slightly in response.

I giggled and ruffled his hair as I turned around and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Sal blushes ever so slightly as I walk over and grab my mask after eating my breakfast quickly. 

"Where to now, darl?" Sal asks. I tightened my straps as I threw Sal's mask towards him. "Mall?" "Gotcha." he replies happily. He swings the keys of his car around his finger, eventually catching them and opening the door for me like the gentleman he is. "Bye mum!" I yelled, hopefully letting my mum know we were going out. We both walked out and went down the elevator and to the car.

----time skip----

The car came to a halt as we parked and unbuckled our seatbelts. We got out of the car and walked into the giant mall with many shops awaiting our visit. Sal decided that we should go get a drink so that we would stay hydrated throughout our shopping, so we both went to [(F/D/S) favourite drink shop] and got a [(F/D)favourite drink]. As we were walking Sal slowly intertwined his hand with mine, squeezing it slightly. I blushed under my mask, thanking the gods above me that it wasn't noticeabl-

"You look really pretty when you're blushing you know, cause your ears go all red." Sal said softly. I giggled and bumped into him playfully, causing him to giggle as well. I couldn't help but blush even more now. Fantastic. Oh well. I was having a really nice time. As we walked into a shop, we saw two familiar faces.

"Hey Trav!" I squealed. Travis looks up and around, eventually spotting me, to which he waves back shyly. His boyfriend waved too which was really sweet. We chatted for a bit before parting ways and continuing on with our day. Travis' boyfriend's name is Jack, who was a super cool guy whose into art and gaming. He seemed really sweet too! Sal and I walked on throughout the shops, buying some things here and there. I had to give in when Sal begged me to get a plush for me, which I insisted he didn't have to do. However, it failed. Ah well.

"So I guess this makes us a couple, right?" I said softly as we walked around holding hands. Sal paused for a second before stopping and turning to me. He lifting up his and my mask slightly and said a very simple "Duh." before bringing me into a soft and long-lasting kiss.

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