11 - 1 week countdown

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*Your POV*

'168 hours until Prom.'

Time had flown by the school year, as there was only one week of school left. One week until Prom. Today was a Friday which meant that Prom would commence on a Friday as well. That gave me the weekend to sort out what I would be wearing on the night and the rest of the week to finalise. It's so exciting!

My first ever Prom.


'144 hours until Prom.'

Maple, Ash and I had gone up to the mall together to pick out dresses for Friday. I didn't want anything to be too formal, just formal enough. I ended up going into Dangerfield and found a really cute dress there.

 I ended up going into Dangerfield and found a really cute dress there

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I picked it out and went into the changing rooms. I came out and showed the girls, both of them gasping and squealing.

"You look so pretty (Y/N)!!" Ash exclaimed.

"Yeah, you look really cute in that." Maple blushed slightly.

I couldn't help but smile widely as I went back into the changing rooms. I paid for the dress and walked out to run some more errands with the girls.


'120 hours until Prom.'

Sunday. Finally a day where I can actually relax. NOT. I ended up helping mum set up more furniture as well as going to the mall AGAIN with Larry, Travis and Sal  to help them pick out some suits. Apparently they need to know what will pull the girls. Ew. Anyways, after actually choosing some outfits and different styles, we all went to the food court to go get something to eat as we were all starving.

We all went to Macca's and got a whole lotta shit to share. And it was so FUCKING GOOODD. After heading home, we dropped Travis off at his house and the 3 of us headed back to the basement to play some video games together. The boys still seemed to be getting along so that was great. I love seeing my friends get along.


'96 hours until Prom.'

Ugh, Monday had already rolled around. The deadline for prom slowly edged towards us, which was exciting but also really nerve wracking. Hopefully it would all be okay. I'm really excited to be going with my boyfriend Larry and my close friends.


'72 hours until Prom.'

I only went to school today because the pizza at the canteen was on sale. Don't even get me started on the bologna, that shit has SOMETHING in it, but I just don't know what it is. Some musty iPad kid tried to grab my mask after school in a McDonald's today and almost ripped it off. Fun. I fucking hate kids.


'48 hours until Prom.'

Decided to skip school today. Not like the teachers would care. The teachers don't give 2 shits about the students. I can't believe that kids are in the bathroom smoking joints, and by 'kids', I mean 'Larry'. He's always trying to sneak a joint into school.


'24 hours until Prom.'

Thursday night. Time to make sure everything is ready. I know that in the morning Ash and Maple are coming over to do our makeup as a little group, then we'll all go to school together. I cannot wait for Prom. I decided to go to sleep early instead of watching some YouTube so I don't look like a zombie in the morning (not that I already look like one but y'know).

I laid awake in my bed before drifting off into a deep sleep.

just like me | sally face x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now