7 - crush?

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*Your POV*

I woke up and threw my alarm clock on the ground, breaking it slightly. I did NOT want to get up. It was the weekend, so technically I didn't have to get out of bed until 12, like most people would. 

It had been around 3 months since I moved to the Addison Apartments with my mum. She seems to really enjoy it here. Well, if she's happy then I'm happy. I started to hang out with the boys more often, and I even ended up meeting a nerdy boy named Todd! He was super nice, and his boyfriend was really sweet too. I hope that one day I can have their kind of relationship with someone I love.

Over the past few months, I found that I've developed a bit of a crush on one of my closer friends...

Larry Johnson.
(didn't see that one did ya ;)

He's always been the best guy friend I could've asked for, other than Sal of course. I told Sal that I like him. Even though he was happy for me, I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings in any way. I just want us to still be best friends, you know?

*Sal's POV*

*16 hours ago*

"Sal I-, I think I like Larry." (Y/N) said. It was at that moment that I felt my heart sink. I could feel tears creeping to my eyes but I managed to hold them back. "O-oh, I'm happy for you dude, that's great!" I said, my voice hurting in silence. (Y/N) brings me into a sudden hug and I hesitate, but then hug back soon after. "How're you gonna do it?" I asked. She pulls away and says "I think I'm gonna just man up and tell him tomorrow lol, cya Sal!". "Oh, okay. Bye (Y/N)." I said sadly as she walked away. Why couldn't I just tell her.

*Your POV*

*the present*

I made my way to hang out with Larry and Sal today. I think I might tell Lar that I like him, but I'm really nervous. What if he already has a girlfriend? What if he sees me like a sister?? (EW) The thoughts kept whirring through my head as I made my way down to the basement.

----small time skip----

After some headbanging and cola, the 3 of us headed up to the treehouse. It was pretty darn cozy up there. I've already had so many sleepovers in there, with our warm blankets and snacks. As we started to head out into the cold, Sal had to take a piss, so Larry and I went on. Perfect, this was it. Right here, right now. But, how do I say it?

"Yo, uh, Lar?" I say, stopping in the snow. He stops and looks back at me "Sup (Y/N), you alright?" "I've just been meaning to tell you something," I paused, "but it isn't that important I guess haha, lets just keep heading to the treehouse." I said, smiling nervously. "Nah man, you can't pull that shit on me, what's up." Larry says grabbing my hood, pulling me back, "You can tell me anything."

"Well- it's just that I.... I think I like you." I said, standing still as a statue. Larry laughs and punches my arm lightly. "That's cute, c'mon, let's head somewhere warmer." He says. I awkwardly laugh and follow him up into the treehouse.

After a while of chatting, I started to ease up a bit again whilst talking to Sal and Larry. 10pm. By that time we weren't even inside yet. Whoops. I was lying in between the 2 boys on a dusty mattress with bundles of blankets surrounding us. I laid there, thinking about what happened just hours before. "I.... I think I like you." kept echoing through my head. Stupid. I hope I didn't ruin anything with Larry. "Hey, you up?" I heard someone whisper.

Speak of the devil.

"By the way, I like you too. I forgot to mention that." I blushed with joy under my mask as Larry said the words I've wanted to hear for a while. I rolled over to Larry as he bought me into a big hug. We stayed like that before both falling asleep.

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