3 - new friends

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*Your POV*

I could feel heat bouncing back from my mask as I blushed a deep red. Thank god he couldn't tell. Hopefully. I let out a bit of a stutter.

"U-uhm, it's nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N)!" I said, giving a little wave.

"I'm Sal but friends call me Sally Face. It's also nice to finally see you again!" Sal said, waving back. Him and I started to walk towards the elevator. 

We got sidetracked instead and saw a cop standing outside Room 403, with lots of tape and claw marks on the door. We decided to not make any contact with him, considering he certainly looked pissed off enough to be there. I made eye contact with the cop, giving him a side eye. He stared right back at us. "Freaks." he scoffed under his breath. I heard Sal tighten his fist for a moment before placing a hand on his back softly, cueing him to walk quicker. We ended up getting to the elevator quickly.

We got in and decided to make our way towards the lobby, starting from the 3rd level. The elevator ride was kinda awkward, I guess we both didn't really know what to say. I wanted to ask about his mask but I was afraid it would be awkward. Maybe later if we get to know each other more.

The doors opened, breaking my train of thought. We both walked out and introduced ourselves to everyone on that floor and then got back in, making our way to level 2.  As we walked out, we saw a pretty looking woman in janitors clothing, mopping the floors. I looked at Sal and nodded my head to the right, cueing to go talk to her. We walked over and greeted her.

"Hey, I'm Sal and this is (Y/N), we just moved here today and we're just saying hi to everyone." The janitor stares between the two of us wide eyed before smiling. "Well heya guys! You two are lookin' real spooky huh? I'm Lisa by the way! Are you guys brother and sister?" she says in a sweet tone. "No, no," I start, "We just both happened to move here on the same day!" I replied. "Well how about that." Lisa smiles, "Say, I have a son your age, I think you two would get along nicely with him. His name is Larry." She says. "Sounds sweet!" Sal cheerfully replied. Lisa gives us both a keycard for the basement and tells us that if we ever need anything, come on down. We both nod and thank her before heading to the basement to find Lisa's son.

The doors opened to reveal a very nice looking hallway. It was different to the other floors, which made it even more iconic. Sal and I found a chubby looking boy with neon green hair who was sitting patiently by an empty vending machine. We found that his name was Chug. He seemed like a really cool guy too! We said goodbye to Chug and made our way into the only door that was there. As we walked in, Sal and I could hear muffled heavy metal music coming from one of the bedrooms. I knocked on the door loud enough to hear the music turn down. "Come in!" said a voice.

Sal turned the door handle to reveal a very cool looking room, not to mention a very cool looking person along with it. He had long brown hair and wore baggy clothing. His t-shirt had a large SF on it. "Oh, hey there. Sorry to interrupt but your mum said that a Larry lived down here." I said. "Well you found him! Woah, nice masks by the way, dudes." Larry said.

"It's a prosthetic." Sal and I dully said, synchronised.

"Oh shit, sorry. Anyways, you guys like, bro and sis or something?" The brunette spoke again. 'Why does everyone keep saying that??' I thought. This time, Sal spoke. "Nope! We both just happened to move here at the same time, haha."

----small time skip----

A bit of time went by and we ended up hanging out with Larry. He was a pretty chill dude to be honest, not to mention pretty damn good looking too. The 3 of us ended up playing some Mario Kart on the Wii and stayed a little later than intended. A buzz emerged from my pocket.


Telstra ....                                    7:23pm                                     69% charged

mama <3

mama <3: hey sweetie, hope youre safe, dinner in 5?


I typed in the words quickly.


me: hey mama, yeah that sounds good,
just chilling with a couple of friends :)
see you soon xx


I stood up and fixed myself up. "Alright I better start heading back to my room, mum wants me back and I got school tomorrow n all that shit. I'll see you boys around!" Sal says the same and gets up. We exchange numbers with Larry as he chucks us a walkie talkie each before we leave. We said our goodbyes and headed back up the elevator. We reached out floor and stepped out before saying goodnight. As we were about to part ways, Sal catches me. "Hey, uhm, I never caught your phone number. Would it be alright if we trade too?" I smiled, making my mask lift ever so slightly. "I don't see why not."

After exchanging numbers and giving each other another with "goodnight", we both separated and went into our rooms. I sat down at the table and ate some dinner with mum before showering and getting ready for bed. First day of school tomorrow, which was a bit nerve wracking. Oh well, at least I had Sal and Larry around, so that was cool. I made a group chat for the 3 of us.


Telstra ....                                        9:52pm                                      42% charged

mario kart whores

me: goodnight guys :)

masky twin: goodnight (Y/N)!

metal head: night maskies


I sighed and smiled while putting my phone on a bedside table. I unclasped my mask and  placed it on the carpeted floor. As I covered myself with the warm doona of my new bed, I reached up to my face and felt my cheeks. I thought about what Sal's face looked like before drifting off into a deep sleep.

just like me | sally face x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now