9 - kiss

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*Your POV*

I could see Larry fidgeting with his hands as we got up to take a break from the project, and I couldn't help but bring it up. "You alright Lar? You seem a bit nervous. You don't have to be nervous, there's no reason!" I said, smiling through my mask. "Well," Larry started, "there is ONE reason.." He mumbled. I looked at him with concern. "Oh? What is it?" Larry gets out of his seat and walks over to me, lifting my mask just above my lips as he placed one hand on my waist.


Before I could swipe his hand away from my mask in fear, his lips met mine. They were slightly chapped yet somehow soft. He smelt like smoke and paint. He pulled away slowly as we both started to giggle a bit. We both hid our blushes and continued with the project like nothing had even happened. I couldn't help but blush under my mask.

----small time skip----

That night as Larry left, I flopped onto my bed and squealed quietly. Well, you would too if your crush kissed you, huh? I rolled around with joy and tried to calm my adrenaline down. Did that really just happen?


*Larry's POV*

As I left (Y/N)'s flat, I punched the air with joy. 'FUCK YEAH LARRY YOU'RE A GOD' I thought. I can't believe that worked, no matter how cringe it was. I immediately whipped out my phone to text Sal the good news. I got to kiss (Y/N) and I'm the happiest fucking guy alive.

*Sal's POV*

I stared at Larry's message for at least 12 minutes.

'i finally did it man! i finally got to kiss (Y/N).'

'I think I'm the saddest fucking guy alive.'

I groaned as I took off my mask and threw it onto my bed. Why couldn't I just tell (Y/N) that I like her earlier?? It was hard enough to hear when Larry said that he was gonna kiss her tonight. Goddammit. No wonder our friendship has been off recently. It was all because we liked the same girl.

Tears formed in my eyes as I grabbed my face and walked out of 401 and down the elevator. I ran outside, letting the wind dry my tears. I faced a wall and couldn't help but punch it multiple time, right until my knuckles bled. I had to let it out somehow. That should be me with (Y/N). ME. Larry's probably just gonna go find another girl when (Y/N) gets boring to him. And when she has no one, I'll be there.

*Back to your POV*

I sighed as I got into my pajamas for the night. I slid on small shorts and a singlet considering I usually get hot in bed (If you know what I mean ;) (AN: THIS IS A JOKE LMAO) I crawled into my bed and laid there, thinking about what happened no more than 2 hours ago. The way he kissed me. It wasn't too harsh nor too soft. It was really nice. It was...

It was my first kiss ever.

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