15 - cinema

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*Your POV*

I helped Sal up from the bathroom floor, quickly making our way out from the bathroom, escaping the sound of kissing. I peeked my head out from the bathroom entry, looking around. The coast was clear so I decided to grab Sal's hand and quickly walked over to the exit of the gym. Just as I heard opened the heavy gym doors, I heard a distant call.

"(Y-Y/N)! W-wAit!!" A slurred voice yelled from the other side of the gym. That only made me move faster to get out, still grasping onto Sal. We ran a for a couple of metres before slowing down to a walking pace. As we walked slowly, we spotted many people walking as well, despite it being late at night. 

We passed by 4 boys who seemed to be speed walking, 2 who were loudly yelling at each other. "Jesus Christ Cartman! I told you this wouldn't be a good idea Fatass!!" A red head yelled. "Shut up you fuckin' Jew!!" A large one said. "Guys calm the fuck down! Let's just NOT think about shoplifting again, alright?" A boy with a dark blue beanie said. "Mrph!" Said the orange parka boy, his voice muffled.

I recognised them only seconds later. They went to my school, but I never really talked to any of them. They seemed like cool guys though. We passed them, both of us silent. The orange parka boy locks eye contact with me and winks while giggling slightly. I smiled and blushed slightly underneath my mask. Sal notices the parka boy's action and suddenly intertwined his fingers with mine, staring at him. I started to blush deeply. We walked past the group and made our way over to the cinema.

"2 tickets to 'The New Terrance and Philip Movie' please!" Sal said to the ticket master outside. He hands us our tickets and wishes us a lovely evening as we headed inside. We walked into the theatre and sat down in our seats. No one was even in the theatre with us, so we could be as loud as we wanted. 

Popcorn was flying everywhere, cartwheels where being made, and jokes were being laughed at. After we calmed down, the ads had finished playing allowing the lights to dim. It was pitch black.

Just then, I heard an unbuckling noise to my right. "Hey, you don't mind if I take off my mask, right? It's not like we could see each others faces in the darkness." Sal said quietly. "Go ahead." I replied. 

After a while of contemplating thoughts, I trusted myself to take off my mask too. I slowly unbuckled the back, allowing the mask to drop into my lap. I lightly sweated throughout the movie. I had rarely let anyone see my face, except for Ash and Maple, but that was because they're my close girls, and I trust them with everything in me. My face is one of my biggest insecurites, so I didn't want it to be seen by a lot of people.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I felt my hand slightly touch Sal's on the arm rests. He must've felt it too as I heard him take a quick breath. I tried to calm myself down and just enjoy the movie.

----time skip----

Just as the credits rolled, I quickly shoved my mask back on, knowing the lights would soon fade on again. As they did, I stretched in my seat before standing up. I turned to Sal, who was tightening his mask straps. I helped him up as we started rambling about how good the movie was, occasionally cracking jokes which made us both laugh. We made our way out back onto the dark streets.

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