16 - bored

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*Your POV*

I walked next to the blue haired boy as we made our way back to the apartments. We decided that it would be best to just chill in my room instead of the gym for... certain reasons.

Finally the figure of the apartments came into view, which was very relieving. We walked in, making our way into the elevator. As the doors closed, a buzz emerged from both our pockets. Both our phones got pulled out to reveal a message in the 3 person group chat.


Telstra ....                          1:12am                  76% charged

mario kart whores

metal head: guyd where r yoy??????

metal head: helo????

metal head: ...

metal head: yall suk plz plz come pikc me up im so durnk halp


I rolled my eyes and sighed, ignoring the messages. Sal looked at them too, before putting his phone back in his pocket, not replying either. The doors of the elevator dinged open as we stepped out and made our way over to my flat. I unlocked the door with my keys to find a note on the kitchen bench. I could hear Sal "wow" -ing the room as I walked over and picked up the piece of paper.

'hey hun, i'm meeting up with a couple of my girls tonight, won't be home until early in the morning, maybe around 3 or 4. pizzas in the fridge if you want it. love you and hope you had a good night xx'

I smiled as I folded the piece of paper and put it into my pocket gently. "Make your self at home." I said happily. Sal thanked me as he took his shoes off and slumped on the couch, turning the TV on. I grabbed a couple of slices of pizza and heated them up before joining Sal on the couch.

"I'M BOREDDD" Sal sulked. "Okay 'Mr. Whinger', let's go sit on the roof then shall we?" I turned to him. He snapped his head at me. "Hell yeah!!" He said, giggling. We climbed out the window to the roof and sat up on the cold tiles under the starry night. I looked beyond the small forest surround the apartments, looking at the beautiful cityscape in the distance. I sighed, happy with how my life was turning out. Yeah, getting cheated on sucks ASS. But it's nice to know that one friend that will always stick by your side, even when things turn sour.

----30 minutes later----

I turned to Sal as I started to get cold. "Wanna go inside and get high?" Sal turned to me. "Please, is that even a question?" I giggled as I helped him up steadily, making sure neither of us would lose balance. We safely made our way down to the small balcony.

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