2 - the present

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*16 hours later*


*Your POV*

I woke up to the sound of the airplane assistant over the PA.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and any others on board, we will be landing in Colorado very soon. Thank you for choosing DN airlines and have a lovely night." A calming voice spoke. 

I looked down to my phone and read the time. 4:15pm. Alright. By the time I get to our new home it should be around 5:30. Just gotta wait it out a little longer, and then I'm free. I could feel my stomach sink as I thought about school. There's an 88% chance I'll get bullied there. Oh well. It's not the first time I've been picked on, so I think I'm pretty tough. Hopefully there were some decent minded people there that I could get along with, I doubt it however.

---small time skip---

Mum and I got off the plane as it safely landed in Colorado. We ended up getting a taxi and got driven to the new house. Well, what I thought was a house. As we pulled up to our new home I could see a creepy ass apartment complex. Not just creepy, but really cool as well. It stood high, surrounded by many tall trees. The woods were covering 3 sides of it, and it oddly felt comforting.

I nor Mum had any furniture so we planned to get our room key and do some online shopping. At least that was one way we could spend time together. We hopped out of the taxi and thanked the driver, waving goodbye as he sped off. I walked into the complex front door before Mum, shaking with stress. Mum and I barely had anything, so we hoped that there weren't any sketchy people living around or in here that could harm us.

No one was at reception so we knocked on the first door. It had a metal plate on it with the name "Addison" engraved on the front. Two eyes appeared and switched between Mum and I. I decided to break the awkward silence before it could get any quieter. "Uhm, hello, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and this is my mum, (M/N) (L/N)? We just moved here today." I said quietly. The voice replied with a surprised tone.

"Ah yes! Your mum has notified me about that. Welcome!" I heard a pair of keys slide under the door. "Here are your keys, your room is on the 4th floor. Enjoy your stay!" and with that, the metal plate closed. I picked up the keys off the floor and gave them to mum. As we were about to walk away, I heard the metal plate open once more.

"Oh! I forgot to say this just before, but two people just like you moved in here a couple of hours ago! Bit crazy, right? One had a similar mask to yours and everything!" He said, and closed it again.

Hold on.

'Similar mask to yours?'

Oh god, was the kid on the plane here too?? WHAT THE FUCK?? How is any of this happening right now? As I was pondering, Mum and I both got into the elevator and headed to the 4th floor. When the doors opened again, I leaned over to Mum and checked what room it was. Room 404. We stepped out and searched for Room 404. As I headed left, I saw a pile of boxes and several moving people. Jesus Christ, on the same floor as me too, huh? What a rollercoaster.

Mum called out to me and told me to go introduce myself to the rest of the people in the building, which I agreed to. I went over to Room 402 as Room 401 was empty. I knocked on the door and waited for a bit before seeing the same middle aged man from the plane.

"Hey, your that kid from the plane!" he said happily, "What're you doin' here?"

"I just moved here with my mum, and she told me to go introduce myself to the others." I said, trying my best to sound intriguing. He laughs back in response. "I was actually going to go send my kid out for the exact same reason! Say, you too should both go together, that way you can get to know each other! Oh, and I'm Henry by the way. Henry Fisher." I nodded in agreement and shook Henry's hand. He went inside for a moment before coming back with a familiar figure behind him. Henry bought the figure out into the hall and closed the door.

"So we meet again." A familiar rough voice said.

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