4 - school

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*Your POV*

Morning had come around by the time I woke up. I reached to my phone to check it. 7:13am. I didn't even need to wake up this early for school, as it started in around 2 hours. I rolled further to the side of the bed and swung my arm at the floor for my mask, which I ended up shoving away from the bed. "Ughhhh." I groaned unamused. I got out of my nice and cozy bed and dragged my feet across the floor to pick my face up. I grabbed it by the buckle and made my way over to the bathroom.

I took of my pajamas and got into the shower to make sure I at least smell nice for my first day. After about 30 minutes in there, I got out and dried myself before putting a bra and panties on. After styling my hair, I tightened my buckle straps more than usual. I did NOT want anything to happen while I was at school on my first day. I could feel my head throbbing. "Alright, maybe just a bit looser." I say as I untighten them just a little bit. I went back to my room and decided to put on a t-shirt with a black Deathnote hoodie. I wore light blue ripped straight cut jeans as well and took a look in the mirror.

"Damn." I said, biting my lip.

I laughed it off and went over to my radio and plugged my phone in before scrolling through one of my favourite Spotify playlists. I picked out 'Pain' by Pink Pantheresss and hummed along to the tune. I went over to my shoes and decided to put come faded camo converse which I had draw on in Sharpie previously. I took another look in the mirror, and if I'm being honest, I looked pretty swag. I went over to my phone to text the guys.


Telstra ....                                       8:03am                                      100% charged

mario kart whores

me: gm guys, where we meeting?

metal head: just in the lobby, that cool?

me: epic, sounds good :)

metal head: morning btw lmaoo :D

me: morningg. hey wheres sal? :P

masky twin: im up im up

me: epic, brunette boy and i are meeting
at the front for school at like, what, 9:30?
considering school starts at like 10

masky twin: yuh sounds good bros


I signed off and put my phone back down. I went into the living room and said good morning my mum. I looked for anything that I could eat, and if I was being honest, nothing looked appealing, even though mum went shopping yesterday. After looking in all the pantries and the fridge, I ended up having some bread with butter. Simple, but delicious. 

I went back to my room to finish packing my backpack. I zipped it up and grabbed my phone before saying by to my mum, who was probably ordering furniture with the money that she had. We grabbed around $100k so I think that would last us for a while. I walked out to the hallway, closed the door behind me and made my way to the elevator.

When I finally got to the lobby, I found Larry and Sal talking. I was glad that they were getting along. Sal noticed me first and gave a wave. I smiled and waved back, even though I knew they couldn't see my happiness. We walked out of the apartment together and made our way towards the school. The walk wasn't too long, it took around 10 minutes to get there.

-----small time skip----

And there it was. Nockfell High. It looked quite peaceful actually. I was shaking slightly from head to toe. Sal took my hand and told me to just take it easy. I couldn't help but feel a blush spread across my face under my mask. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Larry look down at our hands. I didn't think much of it considering I was focusing on calming my blush down, even though hopefully no one would see it. Sal quickly lets my hand go after he realised what he was doing and told us to come inside.

"I think I'll wait out here for a bit, I wanna explore outside a bit." I said. Larry and Sal both nodded and said our goodbyes. As they walked away, I looked around to analyse everything. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a blonde boy with a purple sweater on, his eyes dead set on me.

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