18 - prosthetic

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*Your POV*

Sal turned me around to face him. Doing so, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Sal trailed his around my waist, holding it. I slowly traced my hands up to the back of his head where I felt the buckles of his mask. "Can I?" I asked softly. Sal didn't react for a few seconds before replying in a quiet voice.

"Do it."

I slowly felt around and unbuckled them, one strap after the other. I took the front of his mask off to reveal his true face. Deep scars covered the bottom of his face, mainly around his jaw. 'Jesus Christ he's fucking hot.'  I thought as my eyes widened. Sal smirked as I felt his hands trail to the back of my head this time. "My turn." I heard him say. I started to shake in my legs a bit, nervously waiting for him to unbuckle the straps of my mask.

As he undid the 2nd and final strap, my hands quickly shot up to hold my mask up form falling. Sal quickly apologised. "Oh my god, you could've told me if you weren't comfy showing your face (Y/N)." He said. I moved my hands to where his were, still holding my straps up. "N-no. I want you to see. I'm just nervous." I said calmly. 

"You don't have to feel anxious darling. Not around me."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before guiding his hands away from my head, revealing my true face. I heard my mask hit the floor soon after it was off.

"Fuck (Y/N). You've been hiding that beauty under that mask all along?" He said. I opened my eyes to see a wide eyed boy staring at my facial features. "Oh shut up and kiss me." I said, still woozy from the drugs. He suddenly brought my body closer to his, our lips making contact softly. The sweet sound of 'After Dark' continued to play in the background as we made out in the smoke filled room.

I pulled away from him, arms still around his neck. We both stared into each others eyes before starting to giggle, processing what just happened. After months of knowing this boy, I finally got to see what he truly looked like. He finally got to see me too. My true self. And I think (and hope) he loved every inch of it. We decided to clean up the room and air out the smell of weed from the inside before retreating to the couch with a small bowl of chips.

"So, what movie do ya wanna watch?" Sal said. I crawled onto the couch and laid beside him. "Your choice." I said, my eyes starting to become heavy. We ended up half watching 'Scary Movie' before falling asleep on the couch. My head snuggled into his chest as his arms wrapped around me. 

On the coffee table sat both of our prosthetics, one leaning on the other.

just like me | sally face x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now