10 - an announcement

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*Your POV*

*around 4 months later*

I groaned and stretched as the annoying sound of my alarm repeated in my ears.

"Oh yay, I woke up and I'm alive." I said unenthusiastically.

I proceeded to rub my eyes and put some socks on as I rolled out of bed to start the day. I picked my outfit and dragged my feet to the shower. I let the water run on my head as I blasted music. It echoed against the walls as I hummed along, washing my hair in the process. When I finally got out, I put my decided outfit on along with some sneakers I had drawn on previously. I texted Sal and Larry to meet at the front, both agreeing. Hopefully they weren't feeling as off today. Recently Larry and Sal had been getting annoyed at each other, and I'm not really sure why. Let's pray today will be okay for once.

Turns out I was wrong. Today was even worse! I stepped out of the elevator to find the boys yelling at each other outside. I was too far away to make out what they were saying but it was along the lines of "You just couldn't wait!" and "You knew!". I picked up my walking speed and opened the door to see the two boys stop and stare at me. "You guys okay?" I said concerningly. 

Larry and Sal both relaxed their idle and adjusted themselves. "Uhhh fantastic! We were, er, just talking about.. the weather! Yeah, the weather." Larry said nervously. I scoffed and walked between them, nudging both of their shoulders as I passed. They followed behind at the same pace, just 3 metres behind. "Nice going, idiot." I heard Sal gruff quietly. Larry tisks and keeps walking.


----small time skip----

I sat in my class waiting for it to start. Whilst waiting, I reached for my backpack and pulled out my sketchbook and pencil and just started to draw. For most of the lesson I tuned out, occasionally glancing at the board to see more notes being added each time. I looked over at Todd and Ash's notebook to see all the notes taken down neatly. Oh to have their attention span. I could never.

However, my attention got caught at the end of the period. "M'kay so class, uhm, not sure if you all read the newsletter or anythin' but uhm, our school is having a prom kinda thing, m'kay. And uh, the staff would like you all to get dressed up, m'kay.." A prom? This was new. I had never been to a prom before, let alone thinking about even showing up to one. Too many people there to judge me. But that was what younger me would think. Present me thinks that... maybe I should go.

My daydreaming was snapped apart by the sound of a bell ringing. "So just remember, 16th of June at 8pm, m'kay." I heard my teacher say. June 16th? That was the last day of the school year before summer! Oh my god, why am I getting hyped up about this. It's not like anyone's gonna ask me.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna go to prom with me?" I heard a voice from above. I looked up to see Larry hanging over me, grinning. "Pshh, yeah sure, whaddya gonna wear? Jeans and a washed jacket?" I said jokingly. Larry chuckles, "N-no?! I have a suit picked out and everything. With my mum's help of course." I smiled. "Yeah I'll go to prom with you. Just as friends, yeah?" Larry got caught off guard, "Uhhh, yeah, just as friends, of course." I nodded and made my way out of the classroom to go grab some lunch.

----small time skip----

I sat down next to the same blonde boy I usually eat with. Despite not having the best meeting at the start of the year, Travis and I had been getting along recently. Whenever Larry or Sal had a random fight and didn't wanna hang out, I'd meet up with Trav at the park. He's actually a pretty nice person too, which was a surprise to me. "So," he started, "Got a date for prom yet?" "Woah, chill dude, it's been literally 20 minutes since that was announced. Plus, I'm single. I'm not a random slut." I paused. "But yeah I got someone."

Travis choked on his juice and spat it out. "Ohmygosh really?? Who is it?!" he said excitedly. You grinned at him with wide eyes. "WOAH chill!! We're just going as friends, I'm not dating anyone." Travis calms down and continues to eat. "Anyone asked you yet?" I said calmly, eating my salad. Travis stops chewing and mumbles.


I paused and looked at him. "Hey man, we can walk into prom and hang out together if you want? I don't want you to be by yourself on such a special night." He looks back at you. "That-.. That would be nice (Y/N), thank you." You smiled and pat his back while getting up, going to your next class of the day.

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