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When I first met Tara she had just moved to Chicago freshly out of high school. I myself was in my second year of going to college for administration. I met her by luck since she was looking for a place to live. while attending college and I was looking for a roommate.

 I am three years her age so while she was still seventeen I stuck with being friends with her regardless of my feelings for her.

 when she reached the coming of age I let her know how I felt and she told me since living with me that she too fell in love with me. that she's new to the feeling and might not be perfect at it which I told her we'd experience the whole new journey for the two of us together cause I too was new to liking women like I like her.

We dated for three years was engaged for two then married the next year.

people always like to run their mouths and think they can give their opinion to us and we'd not go off which half the time Tara doesn't she just wants to go home. while I will basically beat some Karen's ass for trying to start shit.

Like I handled the whole ATF stalker that Tara was having problems with I've handled other issues that she wants to just ignore. 

I mean yes she can handle her own but when it comes to her, I will fight any and everyone for her. it's just how I am with her. I don't care who it is, I will go off if not throw down.

 Now I am learning more about her ex which since we are moving to charming where her ex lives as well as his "family" both blood and club she has informed me greatly of the ex's mother. which I've told and she knows that when I'm around or if I hear the ex's mother run her mouth on my wife then I will go off and it won't be pretty.

Tara had sold her dad's place since she and I bought us a cute secluded house with no neighbors around for miles. which is just how we like it since one of us likes to scream rather loudly when we screw.

I know that since Charming is a small town I'll deal with plenty of problems, from the townspeople of mine and Tara's relationship/ marriage. and her ex as well as his "family" though I feel more so his mother than him.

Tara and I luck up and got a job at St. Thomas her as the baby surgeon and doctor and me as the administrator.

Which is where the whole me meeting and having issues with Jackson's mother.


A/N: not all chapters will be the same


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