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"Baby will you take me to T-M lot to see if they started working on my cutlass?" Tara asked

I looked up at her from going over some paperwork and nodded.

"Sure hun" I replied before sitting the paperwork aside and went up to her kissing her softly yet lovingly before we left.

When I arrived I knew shit was gonna hit the fan and I will be giving Jackson's mother who I learned her name is Gemma. I'd be giving her an ass chewing.

We climbed out and held hands as we walked up to the garage office where some woman who has a hairstyle of a teenager was sitting behind the desk. 

Tara knocked and the woman looked up and rolled her eyes which was her first fuck up. 

"what do you need Tara?" she asked

"just wanting to know about my car" Tara says

"I had told you when they towed it that you'd get it when its done" she says

"But.." Tara tried

"But nothing" gemma cut her off which is fuck up two.

"it wasn't towed I brought it in with my wife" she says

"I have the tow paper here" Gemam says coping an attitude which was her third fuck up.

"obviously someone here cant tel lthe difference between towing and the owner personally bring in the car. cause its like she told you with your damn eye rolling, coping an attitude self we brought it in no one came to tow it. and if you wanna get technically the whole towing you're trying to put on my wife will increase her bill which I won't allow to happen since that shit was wrongly filled out just to try and con my wife out of more money just cause she fucked and dated your offspring back in highschool." I said

"who the fuck are you?" Gemma asked

"your worst nightmare if you keep treating my wife with your disrespecting bullshit" I replied

"are you threatening me?"

"I don't need to threaten you I'm making promises. cause unlike most I know threats are bullshit and never happen while promises are the real deal and fall through greatly."

She steps up in my face as if she thinks I'm gonna back down or cower from her but I just get right back in her face.

"listen little girl do you know who I am. you don't come on to my property and tell me what to do. if I wanna charge extra shit to people then I fucking will." she says

"Now you listen to me old lady. I don't give a fuck who you are I don't even care if you was Houdini himself. you keep trying to talk down to my wife and I will have issues with you. you wont like me by the time I get done cause trust me I'd hit your fucking ass so damn hard your grandkids would graduate college. and your not know what the fuck happened. so don't get in my face thinking Im gonna step down cause I wont, I'm not a scared little girl. I'm a woman who is very protective of my wife and don't stand for rip off mother fuckers trying to con her out of money just cause she break the owner's son's heart."

 "I'd love to see you try, you'd not make it out of this parking lot alive" she says

"Oh I'm so fucking scared of you and your threats" I say 

I took Tara's hand and grabbed her cutlass keys before we walked out the door.

"you cant take that car its stealing," Gemma says

"call the fucking cops then" I say before we fully leave. 

I have Tara take my car and I followed her home before we go out of town and have her car looked at before heading back where some deputy was waiting. when he found out the car was mine and Tara's he let us go and apologized.

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