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"We get together you are to be faithful to me, you will not think you are better than me you will not nark you won't rat me or my club out. you become my old lady then get ready for tons of shit to happen from raids to prison time. you see a woman approach me and get handsy then you show her who I belong to like I will with a man. you don't abuse me or try to in any way. you treat my son the right way and never think of harming him. you fuck me over I'll seal your fate. I want to be with you and I want you to be with me and have my kids, to get my crow and be not only my ol lady but my everything, wife included. we both were fucked over by someone we thought loved us and cared about is so we know the pain and I expect to never feel that from you as I know you expect to feel the same from me. I will give you space to do what you need but know that I will have you protected in any way I can and if that means having a prospect following you then so be it. it's for your safety which when it comes to women or important women in my life I will go to the ends of the earth to do what I have to in order to keep you safe. My son will come first it's how things will be."

I laid my head gently against Abel's before I lifted back up and kissed the top of his head.

"I won't treat Abel with disrespect and I'd never harm him. he will be very well protected while with me and if someone so much as dares to harm a hair on his little head well them better leave California cause I will go after them and I will do serious harm to them. I've never thought I was better than someone ever in all my life cause I know what I have can be taken rather quickly. I'm not a nark or Rat. the things I said to Tara was a lie to make her scared and to confess what she did while married to me. I don't believe in or take part in domestic violence I'm fully against it. but if I need to protect myself for some reason against you then I will anyway I need to. I won't fuck you over like the two of us mainly me was by Tara I'm not her I'm faithful and in a relationship for all the right reasons not to use someone for an escape or any other bullshit reason. When it comes to this beautiful baby in my arms I do expect you to put him before me as a father should with his kids. hell mothers should do the same as well. " I says

"Glad we have an understand," he says

I inclined my head.

"Is there anything I need to know about you that you think is important?" I asked

"other than what I do is dangerous and there is no promise of me coming back alive or the same way I left. no, other then I am really close to my mother and I expect you to treat her with respect."

"I treat people with the respect that is earned. I don't respect just anyone, I've learned the hard way with that and I won't make that mistake again.

"fair enough." he says

I went to talk but little guy decided he was gonna wake up so I focused on him before excusing myself and got up carefully and walked off to the room that I had set up for Abel and I changed his but then proceeded to breastfeed him.

"so this is something I need to know about?" 

I looked up and seen Jax standing before me watching me feed his son.

"Don't think its weird. its a hormone issue that causes me to lactate it's been occurring for over six years and every time I lactate I pump and donate that breastmilk to mothers in need or hospitals for babies that are needing it or abandon. which is what I had done at St.Thomas where this serious angel was and they had given it to him and told me that he taken to it better then any formula they had tried." I tell him

"I don't think its weird at all its what a mother should do if she can. and what you do with your milk is amazing. its not wasted its put to great use." he says

I nodded my head before I watched Abel making sure he was settled and nothing was wrong while Jax watched me feed his son.

"I want to fully be with you, I want you to be his mother. I want to see this for the rest of my life. not just with him but our future kids. that is if you want kids." he says

I looked back up at him.

"before I fell in love with Tara which was my first experience with a woman.  longed for a family I didn't care how many kids I'd have heck a great majority of them could be birth or adopted I'd never care cause they'd be treated as though I had them should they be adopted." 

"you're well suited to be a mother from the little time Abel's been here. heck, you've had this room set up and ready for him so that shows just how committed you are when it comes to him."

"he will be treated the way a proper mother should treat their son. and regardless of him not being mine. he will be my son, I'm dating you then he's mine. His little life will be protected fully by me as I told you."

"thats all I can ask" Jax says

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