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Turns out that I am in fact pregnant again cause Jackson kept fucking me more times than he had Lyssa. I didn't tell them that I was carrying again just told Nyla, Abel, Tommy,& Gem who spread it through the whole sons of charming clubhouse.

I didn't know that everyone but my husband and wife knew about this pregnancy till I went to visit Gemma and some of the others.

"There is the pregnant lass" Chibs greets

I chuckled at the nickname

"let me guess Gemma told you all or just one and it spread like wildfire through the whole club except for Jax and Lyssa?"

"yea darling she told Clay and we were in hearing range," Tig says

"Well it saves me from making the announcement." I say

"Does Jax and Lyssa not know?" Gemma asked as she walked over and took Nyla from me.

"Nope. and for now, till I decide otherwise they won't" I answered

"They have issues still with your body image?" she asked

"what the fuck is wrong with her body image. she fucking hot and if she wasn't married to Jax and Lyssa I'd take her" Happy says

I looked at him and smiled.

"thank you for that Happy," I say

"Lyssa and Jax don't like how Nova looks. Lyssa says she still looks pregnant which was said before Nova found out she was in fact pregnant again. Jax was agreeing with Lyssa about not liking how Nova looks. so Nova shut their ass down quickly." Gemma explains as she sits beside me and plays with her grandbaby.

"It's like Tara drama all over again" Juice comments

"Tara didn't ever have issues with how my body looked she was just wanting to hurt me by trying to through off on me when she and I both know how she felt about my body since she couldn't keep her mouth or hands off it," I replied

"I am sorry Lass that you're getting shit on again, by people who are supposed to love you no matter what. and like before they are your significant other" Chibs says

"Yea it's my luck so it seems," I commented as I brushed my fingers over Nyla's head playing with her soft brown hair.

"you gonna stay with them or divorce them?"

"what she cant keep this marriage like she couldn't keep ours?" 

I looked over and saw Tara walking in with Jax and Lyssa. so I stood up and faced her.

"what's going on in my life is not any of your concern." I tell her

"well these two think different since they had spilled the beans of what had occurred since Nyla's birth." she says

I looked at Jax and Lyssa.

"What you three are butt buddies now, you gossip and talk shit about me with my ex?" I asked

"it's not like that we were trying to figure out how to solve the issue we have with what happened when you overheard us talking about your baby weight," Lyssa says

"don't fucking go to my ex for that shit. it's none of her business anymore since she stepped out on me and fucked a married man and got knocked up by him." I say

"Funny how you say that yet you married the one I fucked while fucking Hale" Tara says

"Jax used his brain at the time to correct his mistake and made it up to me. he didn't need aid at the time." I replied

"what are you doing here Tara besides about to get beat by a pregnant woman?" Gemma asked as she had handed Nyla off to Chibs and stood beside me.

"she fucked one of the other sons and got pregnant?" Tara asked

 "Hell yea she did, that baby inside her is mine and if you think to harm her or my unborn child I'll fuck your world up and hide your body," Happy says as he stood on the other side of me.

"Now get off my property and never come back you're not allowed back on this lot ever again and that means getting your shitty car fixed," Gemma says

Tara scuffs before she leaves. Gemma has a couple prospects to make sure she fully had left.

"So you fucked happy and got pregnant?" Jax asked

"Jackson shut up. Happy said that cause of Tara's fucking nosy ass. she's pregnant with the second baby you were all too more than glad to put into her once she was clear after having Nyla.when her body image wasn't an issues for you" Gemma says

"she's fully gone," one of the prospects told us.

"Wait your pregnant and you weren't gonna tell us?" Lyssa asked

"I told you the day you both were complaining about my weight that I was possibly pregnant and that if I was I wont ask either of you two for anything." I replied

Happy had went to sit back down to play with Nyla since Chibs had to go handle club matter with Opie.

"but that's my kid in there" Jax says pointing to my stomach." he says

" I'd never would have known that Jackson thank you for telling me."

He looks at me.

"I want to be in their life I don't wanna lose you I'm sorry for what I said and agreed with Lyssa about your body image." he says

" Its shame you had to go and complain about it when you know something I don't think you actually have an issue with my weight. I mean I looked like this when you couldn't stop pumping your dick and seed into me. so something got you hard. So I think you was saying that to have an agreement or something in similarity to Lyssa so both of your asses would be in deep shit with me instead of just her." I say

He shamelessly looked down and nodded his head in agreement.

"you're right and I do apologize again." he says

I say nothing just take a now sleeping Nyla from Happy thanking him for getting her to sleep before I grab her bag and walk out the clubhouse.

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