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I had made sure I had a little room set up for Abel so when and if Jax brings him over he'd had a proper bed and quiet room to rest.

it was a couple of days after I scared the confession out of Tara that Jax finally showed up with Abel.

I let them both in and asked if I could hold Abel which Jax allowed me to. so I carried him over to the couch and sat back holding him carefully and close.

"Alright we have things to discuss that I wanted to do away from anyone that this doesn't involve. Now there is some thing if not half the things you'd probably not want to agree with or will like but its what I'd like and want you'd to do if this ever becomes something between the two of us." I tell him

"so rules?" he asked

"If you wanna label them as such sure," I replied

"Alright," he says as he sits beside me and focuses on me like I really appreciate it.

"I know that you like screwing multipole women when the urge to get your little Jax wet, but if you date me that ends. meaning Run sex as well. you want me to be faithful and not screw around or sleep around while you're gone then I want the same thing. heck, I want that while you're here as well so that means no more pornstars, crow eaters, or any woman for that matter. I don't want to be treated like I'm some nineteen twenties or nineteen fifties house wife where I am only allowed to stay home and be pregnant or cater to your needs. I have an important job and I have a life. I won't hound you and be up your ass wanting to know your every location I'll give you space and I want that in return. we do this I as that you remain faithful to me you want sex come to me and ask don't seek pleasure from other women. you cheat on me I'll return the favor and pay you back. you want to role play I'm all for it, you have a fantasy of watching some girl on girl action you tell me and I'll see what I can do. don't think I'll let you walk all over me and try to control me cause it won't ever happen. you and I will have our days where we fight and have disputes and all but if it gets physically then be ready for a damn war. I don't allow a man to lay their hands on me in an abusive way or in a way to try and hurt me without fighting back. I've dealt with and taken down plenty of men that's bigger than you and a bit bigger so I'm not afraid to fight a man. I ask that if there is a problem you have with me you bring it to me don't be a coward and run off to the club or your mom and cry to them be a man and come to me with your issues involving me. you want this as you confessed to me and your family then work with me to make this work." I say

"I can do that.I won't cheat, I will come to you for sex, I won't abuse you I don't believe in harming women or killing them unless they fuck me over or try to kill me," he says

I smiled

"Now here are my terms," he says

I nodded my head as I moved Able so his little head was laying on my chest which caught Jax's attention before he looked back up at me.

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