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Lyssa Gave Jax Thomas who they of course named after Jax's little brother. While I gave Jax Nyla his first daughter and the princess of Samcrow.

When Nyla came into the world she had a bit of difficulty but once her airway was cleared she was happy to announce that she was here and didn't like it till she was in her mommy's arms laying against my chest. 

She weighed seven lbs and nine ounces. she is the minute Nova as Lyssa and Jax call her. & that is ok cause that means she can be my little twin and I'll teach her how to handle herself when it comes to fighting and how to not take any shit.

Thomas when he was born looked like Jax and Lyssa both. he came into the world loudly and when Jax held him he quieted down. He weighed a total of nine lbs and eleven ounces.

Now they are a full month old and filling our hearts with love every single time we see them and hear them.

Abel when he see's his brother and sister he greets them like he did when they was still in Lyssa's and my stomach and just like before he tries to help which Lyssa and I give him simple little things to do as does Jax. more so me cause Lyssa doesn't want anyone but her to be hands on with Thomas except Jax.

While me I am fine with Abel's help and Jax I don't have a pick of who can and cant help.

Since Thomas has taken to breast feeding but Lyssa doesn't breast feed she's left it to me to nurture him and she had gotten pissed at me the first time I had done it and we found. which I am glad we didn't disturb our kids when we got into it.

"you shouldn't have breastfed my son" she says

"what was I to do let him starve since you were gone and Jax was handling business. you didn't tell me anything about him so I did what I felt was right and I fed him. so instead of jumping my ass Alyssa you should say thank you for feeding my son since I never told you what formula I use or what I give to him since I don't breastfeed." I replied

"Oh thats wonderful of you to throw that in my face," she says

"grow the fuck up Alyssa you're a mother stop being whiny and shit. so what you cant breastfeed. its ok, its not the end of the world. I have more than enough for Nyla and Tommy so just let him nurture from me its not like your mouth hasn't been suckling my tits since day one of you being in charming and as I recall you said  I cant wait till we have babies and I watch them nurture from you after you married Jax and we all three fucked."

She sighs and apologizes.

"now kiss me and go get Tommy its his feeding time." I tell her

 she looks at me with a pout and I shook my head before kissing her.

"if your a good girl and after I feed our babies I'll feed you too," I tell her which brightens her mood.

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