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I had another baby girl who I named Hera. she like her sister made sure to announce her arrival when she came into the world and like her sister she didn't calm down till I held her. Hera came into the world weighing six pounds and nine ounces. 

Now Nyla is six and Hera is five. Abel is seven soon to be eight and Tommy is Six. 

things between me and my significant others have changed they apologized for their hate of my body image and how they complained about it. Jax told me that he was seriously sorry that he even agreed with the bullshit Lyssa was saying about my body image while I was carrying Hera and that instead of agree he should have told her that there was nothing wrong with my body that it was the shelter and house for Nyla for nine months and the now home of our baby Hera.

Lyssa had told me she was sorry about what she had said and in all honesty she was upset and jealous cause I looked perfect and she didn't after having Tommy or so she felt regardless of Jax and I telling her different. she felt that she needed to make me feel low so we'd comfort each other but it was the wont ever do that again.

after Hera was born I had twins name Ares and Iris since lyssa only wanted to have Tomym she got hre tubs tied while I, on the other hand, was more than happy to keep having kids.

Now my little family is perfect and happy. yea we have down falls and off days where we fight have disagreements and all that cause its not a perfect marriage and we are human who don't always see eye to eye.

But I'd not change my life for anything.


A/N: I know its not the greatest story but its what I had in my mind so I went with it before I just destroyed it with things that never made since.

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