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Apparently mine and Tara's marriage was utter shit and that she was using me to get back with Jax. cause it was two days later divorce papers showed up with her signature and a day after that I heard from the fellow doctors and obygn that Tara is in fact pregnant exactly two whole months. 

So I gave her what she wanted like I always had and I signed the divorce papers. 

And now here I sit in my empty home thinking of what to do. I don't wanna go to Chicago cause that holds memories of something I thought was forever. and I really don't wanna stay here and have their fucking shit thrown in my face.

As I sat there contemplating on what to do someone decided its a grand time to come over. So me dressed in a sheer lingerie dress and thone walked over peaked to see who it was before I opened the door granting Gemma entry.

"I wanted to come over and apologize for how our first meeting went?"

"after two whole months?"

she nodded her head

"I don't buy that shit, what are you here to complain about involving my ex and your son?" I asked

she sighs.

"they are a fucking disaster" she says

"I cant help you she's none of my concern anymore. she got what she really wanted which was your son thought she went about it a shitty way using me which fucking pisses me off but I wont harm her cause I rather have a grand life outside of prison than in it for the remaining time I have on this earth." I tell her

"I know. and for that shit I am sorry. "

"Yea well I feel sorry for you Cause now that Tara is back with Jackson let's just say she will try and get him to leave and do all she can to have him leave. I know personally how that is seeing as she pulled tons of shit with me to get me to leave my hometown of Chicago" I tell her

"Over my dead body will that happen." Gemma says

"well trust me she will," I tell her.

After talking with gemma she left and I went back to what I was doing before she showed up.

I finally decided what I was gonna do and I was about to set my whole plan into action when someone else came to visit me.

I sighed before I put my things away and went to see who it was this time. getting a surprise in a half when I saw it was jackson.

"what do you want? " I asked

"I want to apologize" he says

"well do so and leave" I tell him

"I want to see your face" he says

I tilted my head to the side and peaked out the window.

 "do it then" I say

 he looks at me and sighs.

"open the door" he says

"look if your gonna apologize then do so if not then leave and don't ever come back. you and Tara go what you wanted so go live your happy life" I say

"your wrong I don't have what I wanted and that baby she's carrying isn't mine." he says

"the fuck you mean?" I asked.

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