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I laid there beside tara after we made love and I was creassing her face as I propped my head up on my elbow and looked at her.

"tell me your honest opinion of what I said to Jax?" I asked

she looks at me.

"I didn't think you'd pick him since he's my ex I thought it be weird since he and I dated" she says

"if that ever happens would you be ok with him inside me putting babies in me?"

"Yes I would be ok with it.cause I know you don't make stupid choices you think things through for multipole outcomes." she answered

"I do and I have with that possible situation or plan" I tell her

she keeps looking at me before she turns to lay on her side while I lay my head down so I was face to face with her.

"As for the whole him being your ex and it being weird if you don't want him to be the one then I wont do anything when we talk more about it. I value your opinion and I want you happy with the choices as well."

"I know you do baby and I love how you put my wants, needs, and thoughts before your own." she says

" cause I'm in love with you and you mean so much to me" I tell her

she smiled while nodding her head.

"I am curious about his mother part of the whole thing since she'd be the grandmother."

"if she tries anything then I can make it where she'd never be part of their lives that only Jax and Abel as well as certain "family" of his sees our kids."

She nodded her head

"would you like kids soon or little later?"

"its not just up to me its up to the both of us."

"yea but you'd be carrying them not me."

"when your ready for a family then we will list Jackson down and talk it over after we fully discuss it" I tell her

 she nodded her head

"well lets talk or discuss it now, cause I've seen able and I want a baby like him. minuse the drugie of a mother." 

"she's lucky I'm the administrator for  St.Thomas or I'd been in prison for ridding this world of a drugged up piece of shit."

"See that's why you'd make an excellent mother. and I really think that watching your body change with our baby will be an experience I cant wait for."

"so you want a big family and your ready to have them soon?"

"yea I do and I am. I don't have and blood family you're all I have and I'd love to have kids with you regardless of my ex being their father since you don't have issues with him being their dad."

"Alright well I'll get in contact with Jackson and set up a day for us three to talk about the whole plan and everything" I tell her

she smiled before leaning close and kissing me as she wrapped her arm around me holding me close before I rolled on my back and she laid on my chest and we both difted off to sleep.

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