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Jax caught me by surprise one evening when we was sitting in my living room as I was feeding Abel. Jax drops a bomb on me out of no where.

"We have to get married soon" he says

"what, Why?" I asked

"I will explain it all later just get yourself a dress and I'll handle the rings" he says

"when and where is this occurring?" I asked

"charming small chample so that way after we are legally married you can sign the papers making you Abel's legal mother" he says

I nodded my head.

"I got me a dress to use and a ring, no it's not what I used with Tara they are long gone, this is a family air loom" I replied

"good we'll use that and I'll have my mom give me my dad's ring and later today when Lowman has the papers ready we will go," he says

"Alright," I say

After I fed and burped Abel I laid him in the bassinet nearby and got myself situated. while Jax took care of the call that came in.

When he came back in he told me Lowman had the papers ready and will meet us at the justice of the peace. 

He then proceeded to tell me the time to show up before he and Abel left.

After he and Abel left I started to get ready I slipped on a strapless white highlow center bedazzled dress with some white wooden wedges, done my hair up in a simple half up half down braid. I grabbed the family air loom ring then headed out the door right at the time drew closer to the time I was to be at the little chapel.

I parked and walked in seeing Jax, Opie, and Gemma along with Abel.

I smiled when I took in little able's tux onesie which was the cutest little thing I saw.

I stood before Jax as we stood there before Gemma, Opie, preparing the vows the officiator spoke and had us repeat.

After exchanging rings and being pronounced husband and wife we kissed then I signed the papers of my marriage license and become Abel's legal mother. After that, I walked up to Able and kissed his cheek before Jax took off with me on his Harley where we headed to officiate our marriage.

After we spent what felt like endless hours making love Jax spilled the whole him and some of the others getting locked up and he told me he had married me so if something happens to him in prison Abel won't be put in foster care and that with me being the administrator at the hospital and not criminal that no one would dare bat an eye at why I am Abel's mother where if Wendy was to try with her track record of drugs and never staying in rehab they'd seriously question it. 

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