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I had found out the truth and I was gonna confront Tara about it to see if she'd lie to me or have enough decency, to be honest. 

I had gotten off work and had just cleaned up and changed now I'm gonna go look for her and the first place I'm going is T-M. Which isn't surprising to see that she is in fact here.

I claimed out of the car and walked towards the garage peaked in didn't see her so I headed towards the clubhouse and walked in since the door was wide open. I seen her sitting close to who else but Jackson.

" You both must think of me as a damn fool" I say earning everyone attention as I stood before the two of them.

"What no. I am not doing anything or have done anything with her" Jax tries

"Come on Jackson I'm not stupid I mean you fucked her along with Hale while she was married to me. so whats to say now that she's knocked up by deputy Hale and seeing him that you wont fuck her."

"Cuase I wanna fuck you I wanna be in your life. I want you to wear my crow and have me kids" he says

"we will come back to that later.. maybe. for now I have a two timing whore to deal with" I say

"I'm not a two timing whore" Tara tries

"Oh please you were fucking Jackson and Hale on the side all while married to me if that's not a whore then I dont know what else is?" I say

she stood up and got in my face.

I smirked

"Tara  you know I won't back down from you we've fought plenty of times and not once did I cower or back down." I say

"O can have you arrested" she says

"really you wanna go down that road?" I asked

she nods.

"alright well l had found out some lovely information that I shared about you with the ATF and they are sending a agent down here to haul your ass in for manslaughter. I told them all about what you had done with your "stalker" and how you killed him." I say to her 

she goes pale and sits back down.

"I also informed Hale that his little whore of a baby momma is a wanted fugitive and that she will be taken all the way back to chicgao. that she's no longer a doctor cause her license was revoked and will never ever living to see daylight outside of the prison that he'd have to make an arrangement with the ATF in order to get his baby home with him while little miss two timing tramp rots in prison. where she'll have plenty of sex that she'd crave and ever desire." I say

" why are you doing this to me?" she asked

"Well you see Tara when I first got with you I told you it be a mistake to cross me that I'd make you pay weather it be to beat your ass or worse. I decided that your not worth me going to prison so I didn't and won't kill you and you had to go and get pregnant by hale so I cant beat your ass. so this was the last best thing to do." I replied

"I am so sorry for what I did to you" she says

"Oh save me the shit and just be honest with me for once." I say

"alright what do you want to know?"

"was you ever in love with me or was I your ticket back to this little town so you can see Jackson and fuck him while driving Gemma insane?" 

"yea you was. I was only using you to get back here to be wth him but then I seen how much Hale had changed and I fell in love with him. Jackson and I both lied to you when we said I was screwing him for two months. I only screwed him once and he was protected and I took the morning after pill. But the truth is I was screwing Hale for two whole months while with you and using Jackson as a cover up."

"you made me think you was seriously in love with me and you had Jackson thinking you was pregnant with his kid. well your nothing but a two faced whore who will get what she deserves." I say 

she starts crying.

"If I was you I'd go spend as much time as you can with Hale before you're arrested and taken back to Chigaco for what you did," I say

 she stands up and leaves wiping her eyes.

I turned my attention to Jackson.

"Now you blondie. there are things that need to be understood before anything between the two of us blooms into something." I tell him 

he nodded his head.

"that's fine with me," he says

"You will bring able to my place and we will talk about the whole ordeal and go from there" I tell him

He nods his head again.

 I walked up grabbed and kissed him with everything I had before I pulled back.

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