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After about two in a half months of seeing how Jackson would be as a boyfriend, we became official.

I spend a great majority of my time with him and Abel. but if Jax is too busy or on a run I'm spending my time with Abel.

He is so precious and so loving. I enjoy every minute I have with him.

Today after work since I will be going to pick up Abel from Gem's place I decided to take little guy to the park and just enjoy the beautiful weather.

 Right, when I was about to leave Tara popped up and I had to refrain from rolling my eyes or having a witty comment.

"Good I caught you, I wanted to come by and put in my resignation papers" she says

"alright just lay them on my desk I will handle your permanent leave tomorrow," I say as I gather my things and she places the papers where I said.

She followed me out of my office and I locked it up before going to leave knowing she'd follow me.

Which is just what she had done all the way to my car.

"What more do you need Tara?" I asked

"I wanna say I'm sorry for using you. for making you think I could ever love someone like you when you was just a little toy for me," she says

"is that suppose to hurt me?" I asked

she just looks at me

"if anything Tara I felt sorry for you and I still do. see you don't know what real or true love is. when you come close to experiencing it you run like a damn coward you are. so take your yellow streak and get out of my face. you nothing to me but a waste of my precious time, space, and breath" I say as I climbed into my car and left.

I got cleaned up and changed before I headed to Gems and picked up Abel then headed over to the park where I placed a blanket down in the shade and laid him down before I laid beside him and just enjoyed life with him. moments like these I forget all about the shitty things in this world and just focus on all the great wonderful things and people like this handsome angel beside me.

I laid there with Abel and I just talked to him practically told everything that is ever happened and is going on. 

" So you open up to my son but not me?"

I looked up seeing Jax looking at me.

"I have opened up to you plenty of times." I replied

"not like you just did with Abel."

"Well I needed good advice and he gives the greatest" I replied

Jax smiles as he scoops ABle up kissing his cheek and sits beside me as I lay there looking at the two of them.

"you know with how I remember you acting when he was born till now I say a lot has changed and your view of being a dad has changed" I comment

he looks at me and smiles.

"he's not that bad of a kid," Jax says

"he's perfect." I replied

Jax smiled as he kissed Abel's cheek.

"So Tara gave me her reignition and then tried to make me feel shitty but I shut that shit down mighty fast." I tell him

"so she's leaving or is giving up being a doctor?" Jax asked

"seems so" I replied

"What's the bullshit she tried with you?" 

I laid there telling him what all was said before I sat up and took Abel who was starting to fuss and messed with my shirt before I laid him close and fed him before I covered him up so no one could see me breastfeeding.

"She really said no one could ever love you?"


He shook his head.

"It's a lie. cause I fell madly in love much worse than what  I had when I met Tara in Highschool. the first time I saw you I was a goner." he says

"the first time you saw me you drooled over my big busty boobs" I joked

He laughed and nodded.

"I know that Abel loves you" he says

I agreed with him cause I knew ABle loved me as much as I love him.

"if anything ever fails between us I will forever love this precious baby I hold in my arms."

"Nova I don't ever plan on failing you or allowing our relationship to fail." 

"We'll see sweetheart."

He leaned over being careful of Abel and kissed me.

"yea baby we will." he says.

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