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After having Nyla I've kept a bit of my baby weight which, to be honest, I didn't like so I tried to work out endlessly when I could but then when there were no changes I learned to love it. 

But I noticed that my husband and wife seem to have a different standpoint of my new weight.

The reason say that is I overheard their conversation about baby weight and I was brought up.

"How is it that you went back to looking as you did when I first met you and Nova looks like she's still carrying?" Jax asked Lyssa

"I'm not sure but if that was me I'd be going on a diet till I lost that access weight." Lyssa replied

I stood there listening to them and went to say something but my baby girl woke up so I focused on her. 

Once she was taken care of I called Gemma to see if she wanted to have a granddaughter and granma day which she was all for.

I walked into the room wearing a crop top thin strap shirt showing my access baby weight that I have no issue with but my husband and wife do. and I paired it with some studd pocket shorts.

"Afternoon, when did you wake?" Lyssa asked

"I've been up since nine this morning" I replied as I went about what I was doing before I went to get Nyla ready and carried her to the door right as Gemma showed up.

"Alright baby girl you be good for gram G  " I say kissing Nyla's cheek before I handed the diaper bag with pumped breast milk and extra clothes over to Gemma then I carefully handed Nyla over before waving them off and headed back inside.

Since Abel was at daycare the only baby left was Tommy and he was crashed out.

"How come she didn't get Tommy?" Lyssa asked

Shrugged and stood there before I stripped down before them.

"you  both have issues with this body right?" I asked looking at them.

They shook their heads.

"Bullshit I heard what was said. so I'm saying this to you both and I don't give two shits if it hurts you. you don't like my body you can go and fuck yourselves I don't need either one of you two to love how I look as long as I love my image that's all that matters. as for me still looking pregnant well maybe I am I mean I had Nyla two months ago and since I was cleared Jax has been filling me up with his cum none stop. and if I am don't fucking worry about it cause I won't ask either of you two to help me with this pregnancy if I am. you both can go get fucked and leave me and my access weight that you have issues with alone." I tell them before I get redressed and leave.

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