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Since we've last spoken of things to do with having a family and involving Jax, we've not touched base on it since. we've both kept ourselves very busy making quite a name for ourselves and doing quite well in our line of work. 

I've had to work plenty of over overtime to make sure the checks and everything was accurate, to handle the billing and other major things that were my job to do.

but I've also thought endlessly of how my life as well as Tara's would change for the greater good when and if we ever have a family. I mean since I was little I've wanted a family and with how I am with the baby patients and little visitors here you can tell I'd be great if not a perfect mother. 

But I wont rush or force Tara to do anything or have any involvement with her past  meaning having her ex around just so I could get would I've long for since I was little.

But little did I know that my lovely little wife had been doing something behind my back.

It wasn't till I had gotten home from one of my endless overtime shifts that I noticed a bike in the driveway.

I walked in slipped my wedges off and walked into the house crossing my arms and looked at the to who was to close for my comfort.

I cleared my throat and they jumped apart.

"I take it as you two were spending the time I was at work doing my job to reminisce on the past and probably fuck too huh?" I asked getting quite upset with them both.

Tara stood up and went to walk over to me but I held my hand up stopping her from coming any further.

"don't even try to come up and comfort me just be honest with me." I tell her

"I'm sorry" she says

"how long have you too been screwing?" I asked

"every single over time you've had in the last couple of months while Gemma watched Abel." she replied

I dropped my hands and looked at her in disbelief.

"I cant believe you Tara. after everything we've been through you go and cheat on me with your ex. seriouslyits bullshit" I tell her

"and you. you fuckign come into my house and fuck my wife thinking that I'd never find out?" I asked turning my attention over to Jax.

"we was just catching up." he says

"well then don't let me get in the way of you to igniting a burnt out flame. but get the fuck out of my house while you do it" I say before I head up stairs and basically tear the sheets and pillow cases along with the covers off the bed toss them in a trash bag and throw them out the window before I push the bed out the door and down the stairs scaring the shit of them both. 

"Be sure when you both leave you remove my ring from your finger and take this bed as well as the trash bag on the front lawn. I don't want it, and you don't need my ring when your fucking him." I say

 She looks at me heartbroken.

"but I as doing this for us" she tries

"Oh dont pull that shit Tara. I'm not an jackass. yea we talked about him and I screwing Possibly. but never discussed it in a long time since the day I met him. then you turn around and have sex with him for over two months. hell you're probably locked up with his kid. so spare me the bullshit remove my ring from your hand and get the fuck out of my house. I will pack your shit and ship it off to T-M. you both can have a fucking grand life together. I dont want to see either of you and I want you out of my fucking house now or so help me it wont be pretty if your not" I said

Tara started tearing up but I didn't feel a bit sorry for her cheating ass. 

"I knew coming back to charming was a mistake. and this right here just goes to show how right I was." I say before I toss the bed outside and hold the door open for them.

Jax takes Tara's hand and leads her out she stops short and removes her ring before fully walking out.

"you know I gave you every ounce of my love that I had then you go and fuck me over an ex. well, I hope you two are happy with each other." I say before I shut the door in their face and lock it.


A/n: I'm thinking of taking the story a different way. so bare with me. it may get confusing as hell and it may have surprise endings.

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