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the next day when we woke up I was over Lyssa as she ate me out and Jax was doing me from behind. it was double the orgasms and pleasure.

when one pulled an orgasm from me the other followed shortly after. 

Lysaa played me like a well tuned instrument while Jax had me crying out his name as he pounded me like a drum.

"I want more," I tell them

"Patience" Jax says

"Fuck patience I want more from you both" I replied

I felt the vibration from Lyssa's laugh and heard Jax's.

"so impatient after all this time Nova," Lyssa says

" I've never been one to have patience when it comes to sex and orgasms" I replied

She shook her head and latched on to my clit and suckled harshly while Jax held on to my hips and rammed harder than what he was I screamed out as a gushed on Lyssa's. 

When I wanted more I leaned down and started devouring Lyssa knowing when she moans I'll feel it and it will trigger more orgasms while I push back on Jax to make him give me more.

 which is exactly what Had happened when I started really eating Lyssa out adding a few bites here and there before I fully plunged my tongue in after moving her hips up and holding her ass.

When she pulled away Jax took that opportunity to fuck my kitty while Lyssa cried out and whined as I devoured and practically sucked the fuck outta of her poor helpless flower.

"Oh Nova baby down fucking stop suck harder" she whined and begged as I pushed back on Jax making him spank my ass and grip my hips harder.

I gave Lyssa just what she wanted which made her cum while Jax and I both orgamsed together before he pulled out and poor Lyssa got a mouth full of our mixed cum .

Jax dropped to my side while I laid next to Lyssa who was moaned at the mixed cum taste and moved around so she was facing me.

"fuck that was so sexy and yummy," she says

Jax chuckled as he laid his head on mine and wrapped his arms around me while looking at Lyssa.

"Sorry about that" he says

"No don't ever apologize for that, I enjoyed it so damn much," she says before she went down and licked my thighs where our mixed cum was.

"fuck me this is so freaking good," she says before she cleans up the rest then comes back and looks like she's in heaven with the euphoria look in her eyes.

I wiped her lip and before I could do anything she wrapped her lips around my finger and sucked it off.

I chuckled while watching her as she hums and closes her eyes.

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