Tay is in love with one of her ex bestfriend the only problem is that she is not dating her. Instead Tay is in a relationship with Calvin who makes the duo a trio of best friends until they grew apart. Feelings were developed and changed, but with a...
Taymar's POV "Tay! Cal's here to pick you up!" My mama yelled scream from the kitchen.
She took my bedroom being d closest to the stairs as her advantage to shout, but let it be us yelling in her house it would be another story.
"Tell him I'm coming!" I shouted back "Okay! Oh! And don't be yelling in this house!" She yelled back and I only rolled my eyes at that while tying my shoe laces.
As I finished doing that I sprayed on some VS bare vanilla and went downstairs to the kitchen. When I entered I saw my mom finishing up breakfast and packing some for me n Cal. Cal on the other hand sat there basically eating the food with his eyes.
As they both spot me by the doorway I greeted them and vice versa. Cal then grabbed both our foods in the container and signaled for us to head out but of course my mom had to say something before making us walk out.
"If only Tay didn't spend all that time messing around with her face and hair you guys would have time to sit and eat breakfast" she said and I nearly smacked my teeth but held it back for the sake of world peace.
"It's ok mrs. Jones Tay just trying to look all pretty for me" Cal said and the way I almost barfed.
"Ewww you're being corny again. Here eat a bacon you're not you when you're hungry" I teased while giving him a piece of bacon from the batch on the island.
My little brother and sister will demolish all of that in the next 20 minutes. The only reason it's still there is because they're asleep.
" Tay stop teasing the poor boy and go to school" my mom said
" okay okay sorry ma" I said before kissing her on her cheek and saying goodbye. Cal did the same before we walked out to his car parked in the front.
There isn't anything more flashier than this thing but he insist that since he's my boyfriend I shouldn't be driving myself to school. I just agreed because I am too lazy to drive sometimes anyway.
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A/N: idk much about cars so yeah all ik I wanted an expensive car for the character and when I searched "expensive cars" this showed up so y not 😌
"There goes your favorite neighbor" Cal said pointing at the front windshield window as I was putting on my seatbelt.
He was pointing at Megan Sampson. I wouldn't say I hated her but I didn't like her either, well currently. All three of us were friends at one point too. Let me just say we have "history".
"Lol don't start. It's too early" I said back tiredly
" okay okay just saying.... and you still haven't told me what happened between you two during spring break" the sentence made me cringe internally but i only rolled my eyes and didn't say anything back.
For the remainder of the ride to school I stayed quiet and stared out the window. After Cal parked his car we went over to our favorite bench by the football field to sit and eat.
" your moms food is just on another level babe" Cal said before he devoured the food and I chuckled as I ate mines. He was eating like he didn't eat for days. I mean his mom doesn't usually cooks so i understand.
"Are you going to the one minds meeting?" Cal asked after nearly devouring the food in one breath. He's cute when his cheeks are full so i guess it's fine.
" No. Gia will go for me instead"I tell him before going back to my food but ofc his questions continued.
"Why tho? You never miss a meeting" He asked and I racked my brain for a good excuse.
"I know but I'm busy" I said nonchalantly
"Lies. I checked your schedule and you're free for the whole afternoon" the way I almost bolted from this bench. I started panicking when he gave me that knowing look but i tried my best to remain calm.
"Why are you avoiding her?" He asked referring to a specific Megan Sampson.
"Because I can and you nor anyone else needs to know the reason besides me" I raised my voice a little at him before walking away. Tbh i wasn't mad at Cal but the fact that he knew who I was avoiding annoyed me and made me feel angry at myself.
I was walking into the school building and I saw Gia walking towards me. A very sick looking Gia at that. This is not going to end well...
"Gia what the hell is wrong?" I asked concerned and she pointed to the bathroom so I helped her her on our way there because she looked like all the energy was being pulled form her.
We entered the bathroom and she immediately rushed to one of the bathroom stalls. People were staring so I gave them a look to mind their business. It's early as hell and people are being nosy.
"Gia you good?!" I yelled from outside the stall.
"Yeah... I jus-" her sentence was cut off by the sound of her throwing up.
" do you want me to call someone?!" I asked
"N-no my mom's on her way here to pick me up already" she said and I nodded my head understanding then realization hit me like a truck!
"W-wait you're going home?!" I asked and she hummed in response.
Wait... so that means I will have to attend that meeting. Shit! Why today of all days your stomach wanna act up Gia! "I'm sorry boo" she said weakly probably taking my silence as panic. " don't worry about it . Just worry about feeling better."
"Is Gia in here?" I hear Mrs. Keaton voice in the distance.
"In here Mrs. K!" I shouted and she round the corner with a concerned look in her face.
"Oh thank god Tay!" She greeted me and we shared a hug before I showed her the stall Gia was in.
"I got her sweetheart. You can go to your classes now." Mrs. K assured me because I guess she saw the conflict to go or not on my face.
" okay bye y'all. Gia call me later" Gia nodded and waved me goodbye.
"Bye" was the last thing I heard from Mrs. K before my thoughts started to act up
*Tay's thoughts*
"Eventually you were going to have to see her" "Yeah but I didn't think it will be this soon" " ugghhhh... this shit better not be awkward because I will walk out that meeting room with no hesitation" "Yeah yeah I'll just do that" "Hell I can do what I want and if something makes me uncomfortable I can just walk away" I thought a whole dialogue trying to calm myself down for this meeting later and because of that I was taking a nice slow stroll down the hallways. Then our first warning bell went off.
Shit! I have classes! I looked at my watch and it was 8:25 so I sped up my walking while applying some lip gloss before going to AP English.
Lawd... I really hope the rest of the day is in my favor. At least once...
@A/N: um yeah idk where I'm going with this book but I'm excited to see how my first wlw book will turn.
Ps. This is not actually my 1st🌚 my first one I wrote in a notebook in H.S so if u like this one feel free to encourage me to post that one😌 I need to find that book tho💀