Chapter 16

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Meg's POV

I slowly open my eyes to find Tay on top of me. She was looking cute with her lip slightly pouted as she slept. I couldn't help but admire how peaceful and calm she looked. I wanted to kiss her forehead but I decided against.

Her room door opened slightly to reveal her mom.

"Can you wake her up for me? It's the weekend and I wanted her to watch the twins" her mom said loud enough for me to hear but not to wake Tay. I just nodded in response then softly tapped Tay's exposed thighs to wake her up. She shifted a little but didn't budge.

"It's time to wake up." I whispered low in her ears and a smile crept up on her face at the recognition of my voice I'm guessing.

"Nooooo" she whined and cuddled closer into my chest like she wanted to be in my skin.

"Your mom said you have to watch the twins today" I told her

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" she said and I removed her leg from my body then she got up off the bed and we started to head to her bathroom.

"There's spare toothbrushes right in the drawer." She told me pointing to where it was located below the sink.

After we finished getting ready and stuff, we headed downstairs. I wanted to ask if we were official or not but I was scared to. What if she says no? And last night was just a heat of the moment kinda thing? I mean I know she likes me but does she like me enough to be my girlfriend? If yes, I'll be over the moon but if not I don't know what I'll do because my mind is set on her and only her as my girlfriend.

"What are you thinking about?" Tay asked when we sat down in the kitchen.

"You." I replied honestly and a small smile crept up on her beautiful lips.

"Am i your girlfriend or not Tay?" I blurted out turning my whole body to her which caused her to do the same.

"Depends..." she said running her fingertips on my arms and slowly sliding them up to my cheek to caress them. I leaned in feeling the softness and warmth of her palm on my skin.

"You're gonna be the death of me" I said leaning in and she did too.

We were inches apart from touching lips before I heard her mom.

"Aht! aht! No frolicking in my house ladies" she interrupted causing me and Tay to giggle while pulling away from each other. Tay's comforting hand moved to my bare thigh though.

"It's not frolicking mom! We're just kissing" Tay pleaded and her mom just rolled her eyes and then headed downstairs to get breakfast ready.

We helped her mom here and there and then set the table. Tay's family usually have breakfast together on the weekends because they don't get to do it during the week. It's very nice and I always enjoy the talks they have. Between the twins and Tay bickering and teasing each other, and their mom and dad calling out each other traits in them and Tay's mom bomb ass food, it's quite entertaining and enjoyable. It's much better than my house right now for sure, where my brother returned early from uni with no explanation for my parents.

After breakfast Me and Tay did the dishes. Well not really do them, more like put them in the dishwasher. We were in her room just laying down in the bed cuddled up watching some anime she picked out. It was good but I was too busy staring at her to even understand what's going on.

"I could feel you staring" she said suddenly with a smile and paused the show to look at me.

"What? I can't stare at my girlfriend now?" I replied and a shy smile crept up on her face but then she pulled her lower lip between her teeth to suppress it a little.

"Awww you're shyyy" I teased
"Shut upppp" she said snuggling closer to me and hiding her face in my chest.

"I could hear your heart beat." She said after awhile.

"Sounds like I'm not the only one who's shy"she said and I pulled her in closer while rubbing on her bare thigh.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." I said and I feel her smile against my clothes and then she nodded.

"Yeah me too." That was the last thing she said before falling asleep on me. I guess she was really tired from  school or something.

My phone vibrated beside me, so I went to check it to see that it was my mom texting me to come home. She said it was urgent and that's not good at all. I slowly removed my self from Tay and tiptoed out of her room and down the stairs. I heard a familiar voice and immediately became happy.

"Tyler what's up bro" I said giving him a hug and then sat down beside him.

"Where is everybody?" I asked after realizing the house is quiet.

"My aunt went to do some paperwork for my transfer here and stuff, and the twins and my uncle are out back playing I guess." He answered as he gobbled down the breakfast Meg's mom made.

"So? How did it go?" He asked and I already knew what he was referring to.

"I'm your cousin in law now too" I said cheesing and he laughed.

"As stubborn as Tay can be, she has a weak spot for you." He said and I just nodded in response.

"Now be good to my cousin or else we'll have to go back to hanging out in private" he told me and I nodded getting up

"Anyways I gotta go so I'll talk to you later" I got up and  hugged him when all I heard was "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her. NOW!" And froze. It was Tay.

She came rushing down the stairs and slightly pushed Tyler from my arms and wrapped her arms around my waist. This made Tyler amused and then a playful smirk landed on his lips. I mouthed a "No" but he didn't care.

"But I like Meg and want her to be my girl" he said and Tay clenched her fists and start walking closer to him but I pulled her back.

"Babe I swear to you we don't like each other. Tyler has to tell you his part because I already told you mine. But just know me and him could never ever happen." I said holding her face between my palms.

"You're no fun" Tyler huffed and then went back to eating.

"Babe?" Tay said grinning and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. she laughed at this and then I said my goodbyes to both of them after giving her a kiss. I really hope they make up soon.

Not even seconds after I walked into my house I felt the tension and wanted to turn around. My idea to escape disappeared when my dad appeared in front of me.

"Living room now" he demanded sternly and then left.

When will this drama end?

A/N: thank you all for reading🫶🏽 it means a lot to me to see my book get recognized and it really motivates me to keep writing💗

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