Chapter 10

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Tay's POV

"Honey I don't know what happened over spring break that caused this riff between the 3 of you but I know you and Tyler been at it since you were 5" She started off and I looked at her and she smiled.

"I have my speculations but I won't say it until you're ready to confirm them. But Tay you have to be careful with the ones you love and hold close to your heart. I know you care deeply for both Cal and Meg and that may caused you to make some rash decisions, but I need you to be honest. You have a tendency of flaring up when you get caught or accused. Now, I'm not saying it's wrong to get mad because honestly anger is a normal emotion to have, but you can't always make rash decisions when you do. Allow yourself to feel that way but please also allow yourself to think about long term effects of your decisions. Now I don't know how far the situation has gotten between you 3 , but I hope you guys find a common ground and forgive each other. Now with you and Tyler, I need you to really ask yourself the reason you don't like him and sit down with him and talk it out. I know family is even worse than strangers sometimes but you and Tyler might be really close if you give him a chance." She expressed calmly and sincerely.

I was listening to what she was saying and wanted to act on it but I didn't want to because of the mere fact of losing my friends. I already knew the reason I don't like Tyler and she probably does too.

She helped me to stand up and then turned towards me to talk again.

"Are you going to come inside now?" She asked and I shook my head not ready to face reality yet.

"Ok but remember just talk to them and be honest. It might be better than everything blowing out of proportion and you leave bigger scars than you intended, and if the situation is anything like what I'm assuming then you're gonna leave someone hurt but make sure it's a tiny scratch." She assured before giving me a motherly hug and then walking back to the house.

I stayed there a little longer just sitting in silence while watching the stars. When I finally made it inside I was met with Meg and Tyler in the kitchen laughing and talking. My mood turned sour at the sight so I walked pass them ignoring them both. I could feel their stares as they went silent when they saw me.

I made it up to my room and found Cal on the bed sleeping. I covered him with the blanket and made my way in the living room area. Meg and Tyler was gone by then.

I grabbed a couple of pillows and blankets to make myself comfortable on the couch before I put on tv and eventually fell asleep to the sound of adventure time.

The Next morning I woke up I heard people talking loudly. I opened my eyes and found my mom and dad laughing and cheering at the twins as they danced what looked like a tiktok dance.

"Good morning" I heard Cal voice and noticed he was in front of me holding a mug.

"Have some of this" he said handing me the cup and I took it immediately and was met with the refreshing smell of green tea.

" you sure know how to make tea." I complimented and he smiled before he sat down beside me.

"You could've slept with me last night on the bed" he said and I turned to him and smile.

"I needed some alone time." I said and he nodded in understanding.

"Pushing me off the bed would've been fine too" he joked and I chuckled a little.

"The thought was there" I teased and he pushed me slightly before wrapping his arms around me and I leaned into his hold.

"Try not to get so angry like that. You be scaring me girl" he comforted and I smiled at his words.

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