Chapter 3

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Tay's POV:

"You're scared to go because you think it's another pregnancy scare??" I asked Gia as we talked on the phone before i entered the house.

when it got quiet on the other end, i realized i should comfort her more than anything in this moment.

"Well try and make Ash take you. I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind" i said and she said "yeah" before hanging up because her mom was coming to talk to her.

"I'm home!" I yelled from the foyer while taking off my shoes.

"In the kitchen!"  My mom yelled back.
I walked in the kitchen wondering why she didn't curse me out for yelling, but the moment I walked into the kitchen I figured out why. Which made me want to walk right back out.

"Hi..." I say placing my school bag on one of the only available bar stool because my little sister and brother was sitting in the other two and FUCKING MEGAN WAS SITTING IN THE OTHER!

This is my last few months of high school and I feel like I will not be ending off on a calm note.

"Tay you know Megan" my mom said pointing to her and she looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and flashed her million dollar smile.

"Mhm" I hummed in response.

"She'll be having dinner with us but I'm still not finish so can you please take her up to your room and talk or do whatever till I'm finish here" my mom said while putting what I'm assuming is macaroni in the oven. Ooouuu my belly is already ready to eat...

"Okay..." I drag out to delay this alone time a little and then grabbed my bag to signal to her to follow me cause I don't have the words to speak right now.

It was quiet as hell walking up these stairs and I would enjoy it if my thoughts weren't eating me alive. I really didn't want to do this today. I just came from a dreadful hang out with Cal and his friends and just wanted to eat n sleep.

We reached my bedroom and I put on my LED lights and grabbed my tv remote.

"You can sit on the bed and watch what you want. I'll go change out of my uniform." I  said and then handed her the remote and our hands brushed  for a second against each other and that familiar spark was felt again...


In all honesty I was fighting with myself to not make my voice tremble while saying that sentence just now. I hurriedly changed into a short pants and a big t shirt.

When I finished I walked out the bathroom But stopped at the door frame and leaned on it to admire Meg from the back.

She had on her favorite black hoodie with the initials XG at the front and she had her natural hair in a sleek back puff. My eyes moved to her feet that were swinging in the air as she laid on her belly carelessly laughing at that 25 scene from SpongeBob. Her laugh... it was loud and humorous but at the same time music to my ears.

"No matter how many times you watch that episode you laugh your ass off" I say making my presence known.

For some reason I felt comfortable to engage in conversation with her like the old days.

"Well duh it's because it is funny" she said still laughing.

"25? Really?" I say while going over to sit on my bean bag chair that was right at the foot of the bed. I was comfortable but not bold enough to sit on the bed with her.

She fixed herself in a seating position before answering.

"Well if you say it like that then no" she said and I rolled my eyes.

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