Chapter 5

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Tay's POV

It's finally fridayyyy!!! I'm actually so excited because I'm going home early to pack for the cabin trip.
3 days and 2 nights in the middle of nowhere with my crazy family... awww heaven. Oh and Megan...

Speaking of Megan. She has been on her best behavior this week. She even hanged out with me, Cal and his friends yesterday after school.

Flashback to yesterday after school:

"Wanna hang out later?" I asked Meg as we were walking to AP math n she nodded in response. Looks like she was deep in thought.

"Hey you good?" I asked genuinely concerned. She looked the same way yesterday too. Meg usually talks a lot and walks with a little bounce, but yesterday and today she was just regular walking and saying one word answers or short sentences. It was pissing me off a little but I have no idea what she's going thru so it wasn't going to be nice of me to act like a bitch.

"Y-yeah just a lot going on with the team n stuff" she replied and I nodded understanding the pressure of leading a team.

"Well let's try and get our math on I guess" I said cheerfully trying my best to uplift the mood and she smiled a little.

"There it is! Okay let's go" I said pulling her in the classroom.

After talking a little about the mural and other random stuff, Mrs Tanya walked in and started the lesson.

Math is usually fun...?I don't know but Mrs. Tanya tries to make it fun but you can't escape the fact that it's hard as shit. I appreciate the effort tho...

"Meet me in the parking lot after classes ok?" I told her and she nodded before walking off to wherever.

After classes:
I was sitting on the bleachers while waiting for her to finish practice. She texted me that their coach scheduled an emergency practice so now I'm here waiting for her.

I would glance now and then seeing her focused on what they were doing. The only time she looked up at me was when I texted her I was here, and at that specific time they were on a water break.

She waved at me to acknowledge I'm here and after that mama was on full game mode- well more like practice mode. That's the thing with Meg,when it comes to stuff she's passionate about and love she would put her whole heart in it. It will be the only thing she would give her attention too and ntn else mattered to her but that thing/person.

I got that same treatment for awhile until I confessed my feelings to her. Maybe I was reading into her actions too much, but it did feel like she would've agreed to be my girlfriend without hesitation. It still kinda hurt knowing that it wasn't a sure answer for her and she had to think about it...

"Hey babe" I heard Cal voice from behind me and I turned around to say hi back.

"Wanna hang out later with the guys?" He asked and I instantly felt uncomfortable. It's not that I don't like his friends but he treats me like I'm invisible when we're around them and I love attention with at least some when I'm around ppl I don't know at all.

"Actually me n Meg we're gonna hang out" I explained and his face contorted a little bit and I was trying to read the expression but he changed it back to a calm one.

"Oh that's great! She can tag along with us" he suggested and I smiled thinking that maybe I won't feel alone if she's there because most of the time when I'm with Meg she makes me feel seen.

"Ok I'll text her" I texted her when practice was over and she walked over to us.

"Hey." She said and fist bumped Cal and I just smiled in return.

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