Chapter 6

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Tay's POV:

"U good?" I asked and he glanced at me for a little before focusing back on the road.

" yeah. I just have a question... " he said and I slowly nodded in agreement.

Oh lord... where is this going.

"Ok ok go ahead" i say and he stayed silent for awhile probably trying to find the right words.

"Well it's more like a promise" he said

"On that trip on friday, can you not sleep in the same bed as Meg" it sounded more like a demand more than anything.

"And why not?" i questioned

"Well the idea of you two alone doesnt sit right with me because you guys have... history" he explained and i tried so hard not to roll my eyes.

"Cal you're acting like we f8cked before or something. Are you forgetting that we were all friends before or the fact that im your girlfriend?" i say getting a little angry at the fact that he may not trust me. I mean there was nothing to defend because me n Meg havent kissed or anything since spring break which was before we started dating.

"Its not like that Tay and you know its not like that!" His voice raised a little higher and that only made me angrier.

"Well it sounds like you dont trust me! Like im some whore or something!" i say back obviously more louder than him and that seemed to cool him down a little bit.

"Tay... it's not like that... it's just..." i wanna yell at him so bad but i decided to calm myself down too.

"Just say it" i said

"It's just that she looks at you the way i do" He says so soft it almost came out as a whisper but his deep voice didnt allow it to.

"So Meg looking at me a certain way makes you question my loyalty to you?" i say back and he shakes his head in response.

"Well until you figure out exactly what's making you think that i will cheat on you plz feel free to enlighten me. Goodbye." I say before getting out and slamming the door because we were parked outside of my house for awhile now.

I walked straight up to my room after telling my parents a quick greeting before going up to my room.

When i came out the shower, I had two messages. One from Cal and one from Meg

Cal: I'm sorry and really hope this is just a bump in the road.

I didnt reply.

Meg: Send me ur cash app plz... and also thanks for today i really needed time to take my mind off things for awhile...

Meg: It really did feel like old times.

I sent her my cash app info and responded back.

Me: yeah It felt the same way to me too.

After sending the text I realized our old times was what had led me to have new feelings for her. Is Cal right? Or am I wrong? I mean I'm not no perfect girlfriend but I do pride myself on d fact that I'm trustworthy n won't even think abt cheating. I will just break up with you instead of doing that.
The thing is tho Cal knows me like he really knows me so what if he's seeing something I don't? What if my feelings about Meg will lead me down to a road that's unlikely me?

I mean the feelings are still there but if anything is to be taken serious between the both of us I'll be the first to tell Cal.

But lately I've been doubting myself too... That's why when Cal said that I felt angry because part of me felt that he was right.

I will prove him wrong tho.
I promise myself that I will friendzone the hell out of Meg!
I'm a big girl so I can do this!

Yup this will make the trip go smooth...

Well I  hope it does

A/N: I would continue but I'm going to end it here🙃

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