Chapter 8

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Tay's POV:

The atmosphere went from light to heavy for TWO reasons. Outside could have been explained with me and Meg's "moment", but in the cabin it was because of my COUSIN Tyler! Ugh!

There he was around the kitchen island sipping on a Capri sun while talking to my dad about whatever. When he turned around to acknowledge our presence, he looked over to me with that annoying smug look on his face then turned to Meg.

"AWW MY FAV IS HERE!" He shouted excitedly  as his big 6 feet ass ran up to Meg. He picked her up and swung her around like they were in some romantic comedy. It was visibly pissing me off.

You know what made his presence even more annoying is the fact that he and Meg are close. So close that even after our lil 'fall out' they still spoke and hang out. I may know all of this because maybe I might have stalked their pages... Anyways it's sill doesn't change the fact that when he's around he try to make our duo time into a trio  and that's annoying like bro read a room.

"Be nice." my mom whispered before walking into the kitchen over to my dad.

Meg looked back at me for a moment before walking off with Tyler blabbing her ears off about God knows what.

When they were both gone from out of the kitchen I instantly started complaining and whining.

"Why is he hereee?!" I whined and my parents gave each other knowing looks before my mother took one for the team to tell me the reason.

"Look honey, I know you and Tyler are not the best of cousins but he's going to be around for awhile." She explains

"A-awhile?!" I said back realizing what she said to me and my mom looked over to him with a "look how dramatic she's acting" face.

"Don't look at me this is your child" my dad said going back to cooking.

"Aha I made her with you remember"my mom jokingly answers.

They do this when I react "overly dramatic" to things and try to pin my behavior on genetics.

I'm not gonna lie... I'm a lil spoiled but sometimes things going perfectly my way is just the only option. And Tyler being here was not making that option as in reach as I thought it was a few mins ago.

"Tay... Tyler needs a home and we are his family so we're just helping him out"my dad said and worry washed over me.

" OMG did their house burn down or something" I said alarmed. Despite not liking Tyler very much I liked their house. It had a lake!

"Oh no no it's just some internal issues so we decided to provide Tyler with a place to stay" my dad continued

"For how long and what kind of 'internal' issues?" I asked and I see they made the faces they make when they are about to omit the truth so that it doesn't seem like a lie.

"Until graduation" was all my mother said before rushing me upstairs to go get changed before I catch a cold.

What are they not telling me...
What big secret are they keeping...

Was all that went through my head as I showered and got dressed.

I could hear Tyler and Meg laughing next door and that green feeling started to grow.


I chanted to myself but still ended up in front of the door about to enter it. When I walked in  both of them looked at me and I could tell whatever they were whispering about wasn't supposed to be heard by me.

So I created a reason for me entering the room... by lying.

"Foods ready!" I said before waking out and walking downstairs to the kitchen.

Thankfully the food was actually finished. The universe is kinda on my side today.
Both of them came down laughing with their arms linked. I had to turn and roll my eyes as I set the table.

We sat down and dinner was going well until I saw Tyler leaning over to whisper in Meg's ear. She smiled at whatever he said and went back to eating.

I'm not gonna lie they would be a pretty cute couple. I mean Megan is already the most beautiful human on earth with her rich dark skin and curly hair that actually flowed down to her butt, but her shrinkage didn't allow it to show unless she flat ironed it but in its natural state it stopped mid of her back. She was slim but toned because of her love for soccer since she was 5. Her height was another thing that just added to her beauty. She beautifully stood at 5'11 and was basically 60% legs. They were long and smooth...
Im gonna stop there.

Tyler on the other wasn't bad himself. I blame it on my grandparents and his parents. He was brown skin with waves and is lean, muscular and tall. I heard he played football but I didn't care. He was annoying and a friend stealer.

I couldn't stand them basically shoving their flirting in our faces so I decided to exit early.

"I'm full." I said before going back upstairs to read "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo".

After awhile of drifting off to the world of Ms. Hugo, I was rudely interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said and Meg entered and went straight to sit on the bed.

"Are you good?" She asked and I nodded in response.

"Words Tay"
"Yes damn" I say obviously angry because it was a little too loud.

"You're obviously not" she says and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I'll be better if you leave" I say and instantly wanted to take it back.

"If it's about Tyler then you're just being childish. I can have other friends you know?" She said getting defensive.

"I don't care about you having other friends." I say back
"Then what's your deal then?" She asked and I could tell she was getting irritated.

I like you... that's my deal
But I can't say that because I have a boyfriend.

"Nothing it's just that I don't like Tyler so I get a little mad when I'm around him."

"Why though? He's cool and he's your cousin." She said and I rolled my eyes again.

"I told you to stop doing that" she aid referring to me rolling my eyes.

"Well I don't think if you have noticed Meg, but I do what I want" I argued back catching a full on attitude.

"You're starting to piss me off Tay" she said through clenched teeth obviously trying to contain her anger.

"The feelings mutual" I say nonchalantly while staring back at her trying to hold the fire eyes with mine.

"WOAH! Anybody else hot?" I heard the annoying voice of Tyler.

I didn't even hear him come through the door...
"What do you want?!" I snapped
"Well I hate to break up this happy party BUT Tay your boy toy is downstairs" he replied and I wanted to rip my fucking eyeballs out.

"You're kidding right?!" I panicked

"No kid here bro" he answered and I put on my slippers to go see if it was really true or not.

As I made my way down, I was greeted with Cal talking with my mom and dad. The reason for my anger earlier is now being changed.

" oh honey Cal wanted to surprise you. How sweet" my mom gushed as she saw me approaching them.

"Yeah so sweet..." I deadpanned

"Well you two can share that room and I'm sure Tyler and Meg will be fine together. You kids have fun! Goodnight!" She said cheerfully before leaving with my dad and going to bed.

As I was about to ask Cal what the hell he was doing here, Tyler's voice was heard again.

"Who wanna play truth or dare?" He suggested with that annoying smirk on his face.

This is going to be a long ass night...

A/N: I sense some drama...

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