A Bet

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It started of as a game between Katniss and Peeta to kill the time in between their trainings. Both had made a bet to when Effie would kill Haymitch or the other way around. Katniss believed that Effie would snap first and strangle the drunk victor in a couple of weeks. It would be before the Games would start. Peeta thought also that Effie would snap first as Haymitch seemed more composed or perhaps he was not aware of the danger he was getting in because he was always drunk. But he believed that they would not kill each other before the Games. He thought it would happen while they were in the arena. They wouldn't be able to work together without killing each other. 

That is how they ended up involving Cinna and Portia in their bet to make sure someone could look over their escort and mentor while they were in the arena and both of them agreed rather enthusiastically, looking forward to something that would keep their minds occupied during those brutal games. 

And that is how they all ended up exchanging gazes at the dinner table as Effie absently looked at her clipboard, checking the time for all the activities tomorrow as Haymitch filled another glass with wodka, his eyes trained on the escort. "So, what is on the planning tomorrow, Effie?"Cinna asked, sending a smile to the escort as she looked up. "Not that much, it's a rather peaceful day. Only a training session in the early morning and that is it."She answered in that typical Capitol accent of hers as Haymitch groaned at that, throwing his drink back, slamming the glass down harshly on the table as Peeta jumped slightly at that while Katniss just raised an eyebrow at her mentor. "What is the matter, Haymitch?"She asked, sensing an oppertunity to get under his skin and perhaps get a reaction out of him. "You seem rather irritated."Cinna added before the old victor answered as everyone looked at him. "I'm enjoying a drink, can I?"He asked, raising his glass up that was empty which caused him to quickly fill it up. "Maybe you should drink a little less, Haymitch."Effie said back with a pointed look. "Maybe you should mind your own bussiness, Princess."He threw back with a glare as she only huffed at that. "How you appear in public is my bussiness."She hissed, slamming her clipboard down. "I have to clean up your mess all the time."She added. "What is the problem? A little work less or more doesn't matter really. You get paid quite good, don't you?"He asked with a raised eyebrow as Peeta and Katniss exchanged a glance. Was this the moment Effie would snap? 

"What the problem is, is that you ruin possible chances for them."Effie hissed, gesturing at Peeta and Katniss. "They will need sponsors in the arena and a drunk fool like you is not someone people will trust with their money."She added causing Haymitch to slam down his glass, breaking it as it hit the table, shards flying around as Portia jumped up at that. Her eyes going to Cinna who shook his head slightly as a sign to not get in between them. "As if they would give their money to someone dressed like a clown!"He yelled, standing up from his seat. "No one leaves the room when I enter."She said back with a raised voice. Maybe now was the moment that Katniss had a little bit of regret of trying to make them fight but well, there was no going back really...

"The only reason they will give you money is because they want to fucking fuck you, Trinket!"He said back and before anyone could have blinked, Effie had closed the distance between her and Haymitch and her hand came in contact with his cheek. The slap echoed through the room causing everyone to stare at them in disbelief. Portia's mouth hung open slightly as she looked back at Cinna whose eyebrows were raised while Peeta gasped for air in schock and Katniss stood there not knowing how to react really. I mean, did she win the bet now? Or was that slap not enough?

"Did you slap me, Princess?"Haymitch hissed, his hand finding his cheek. "Can't your ego take it, Haymitch?"She asked with raised eyebrow, crossing her arms. "You're gonna regret..." "I think we all need some space from each other, don't you think?"Cinna asked, stopping Haymitch from getting to Effie who huffed at that before leaving the room, going to her bedroom. "I'm going to get a drink."Haymitch hissed, dissapearing in the elevator, leaving the two tributes alone with their stylists who stayed quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say or do. 

"Does this mean I win?"Katniss asked, looking at Peeta who just stared at her now. "They almost murdered each other."He whispered, his eyes going back to where Effie had dissapeared. "So, we made a bet when it would happen and looking at what happened a couple of seconds ago, I think it's pretty clear I win."She stated with a shrug. "You're unbelievable..."


"Sweetheart, I thought we would go for a fake slap?"Haymitch said when he slipped inside her bedroom in the middle of the night after making sure no one was around and would catch him. "We did but I couldn't let the moment slip through my fingers."She said back with a smile, closing the distance between them as she placed a kiss on the cheek she had slapped. "Why did we decide to make Katniss win the bet?"She asked curious as Haymitch shrugged his shoulders. "It's pure coincidence that she was the one who thought we would fight before the games. I just wanted to see everyone's faces when it would happen."He explained with a chuckle, his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. "And are you satisfied with their reactions?"She asked back. "Quite a bit."

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