You Are My Escort

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His eyes were staring at the bottom of his empty glass as if magically it would fill itself once again and he could throw another back like it was water. But he had been sitting here for now ten minutes and his glass was still empty. "I must admit this may be the worst party that they have thrown here."Chaff commented, looking around them. Normally a lot of people would crowd the dancefloor but now only a couple of bodies occupied it and whatever they were doing, you could not call it dancing. "And the drinks..."He muttered with a shake of his head as Haymitch grunted at that as if it would show what he thought about it. 

"They put too much fucking sugar in it."He finally said, putting the glass down on the table clearly giving up on hoping his glass would fill and thinking about how these drinks here weren't really that strong made him wish he had brought his own bottle. What he wouldn't do for just a good bottle of whiskey. He was sure there was one waiting for him back in the penthouse. The thought alone made him want to leave, yet he remembered he had promised Effie to at least stay one hour at the party before he could leave and he had to behave. Which he had been doing, he had been sitting here for almost now thirty minutes, not starting a fight with anyone and not drunk. Well, not drunk enough for his liking. 

"At least your escort seems to be having fun."Chaff said with a gesture towards Effie who was chatting with some possible sponsors. A smile was on her pink lips as she seemed to be laughing at something the man closeby her had whispered in her ear. He noticed the hand that was resting on her lower back and how the man was slowly inching closer towards her and it made him tense up. "She can do what the fuck she wants."He muttered, sending one last glare towards Effie before his attention went to the bar. "I need another drink."He said, standing up as Chaff chuckled but decided to follow his friend as he himself was also in need for another drink to kill the time. "You think she got a lot of lovers?"Chaff asked when they reached the bar as he was watching Effie again. "I don't want to fucking know that."Haymitch hissed, gesturing for another drink before leaning his back against the bar, his eyes also going back to Effie. She was now alone with that man and they were still talking yet there seemed to be something that did not feel quite right with what he was seeing. Was it the hand that was slowly going lower or was it how her eyes drifted around as if she was looking for something, for anything. Perhaps it was the way her body seemed to be much tenser than it normally would or that the smile on her lips seemed a bit forced. "Something's wrong."He muttered, narrowing his eyes. "I think she is fine, mate."Chaff said back, tilting his head slightly to study the interaction more. 

Glasses got put behind them as he reached for it while still keeping his gaze focused on Effie. The man leant back towards her and he noticed how she slightly flinched when he whispered something in her ear. He noticed how the hand was now sliding towards her hip as she was pulled closer towards the man who held an arm around her waist possessively. "I swear there is something wrong."Haymitch stated, throwing his drink back quickly before slamming the glass down. "What are you going to do?"Chaff asked with a raised eyebrow, stopping him from going towards them. What could he do? If he would go up to them it would make people ask questions, giving him a headache as he would have to deal with annoying gossiping bitches. If he would not go up there, it would...No. He had to do something. Something that would pull her attention and make her feel that she had to leave that man to take care of him. So, the matter was settled. He had to pull her attention. 

But how...

"I need your help."He said softly, pulling Chaff's attention. "Go on."He muttered also finishing his drink. "You need to start a fight."He stated as if it was that obvious as Chaff looked confused at him, wondering if he was missing something. What kind of difference would that make? "Why do I have to start a fight? How will it get your escort here?"Chaff asked, putting his glass down. "I need you to start a fight with me."Haymitch explained in a whisper to make sure no one else could hear them. "Can I hit you?"Chaff asked curious, wondering how far Haymitch was willing to go for this. Haymitch nodded his head as an answer. "Can I break your nose?"Chaff asked next as Haymitch frowned at that. "Why the fuck..." "You know it never fully healed after your games. It's fucking crooked."Chaff stated, gesturing towards his face. "Fine, you can."Haymitch hissed, standing up. "Alright, let's start this show."Chaff muttered also standing up. "You fucker!"He yelled as he swung his fist, hitting Haymitch's nose as a crack was hearable to those who stood close enough as blood dripped down his nose, covering his white shirt as he groaned in pain, holding his nose, wondering why he agreed to the breaking his nose part of the plan. "Haymitch!"A voice sounded as the sound of heels making their way towards them sounded. "Oh god, Haymitch, are you alright?"Effie asked as she helped him up. "Let's get you out of here."She whispered, laying his arm around her shoulder as she helped him towards the elevator as he started to unbutton his shirt as it was already ruined. "Why did you two get into a fight?"She asked confused, tapping her shoe as they waited for the elevator as he slipped out of his shirt, making it a ball as he held it against his nose, waiting for the elevator as she studied him curious.In all her years as an Escort, she couldn't remember one time where Chaff had hit Haymitch...

"You owe me a bottle of Whiskey, Trinket."Haymitch whispered once they were in the elevator. "What?"She asked confused as the doors closed. "You owe me a bottle."He repeated, touching his nose carefully. "Why do I..."She started, stopping her sentence when realization seemed to hit her. "You made him hit you?"She asked surprised as the doors slid open as he went inside the penthouse, going to the fridge to get some ice out of it. "I saw that man bothering you, princess."He said back, leaning against the counter. "So you started a fight to get me away?"She asked curious as she stopped in front of him, reaching for the ice as he gave it to her. "Seemed like the easiest way."He muttered as she studied his nose, a small smile on her pink painted lips. "Seems like you care about me, Abernathy."She muttered amused, hearing how a huff left his lips. "You're my Escort, I'm supposed to take care of you."He hissed as she held the ice against his nose again. "I don't think the other Mentors will let someone break their noses to help their Escorts, Haymitch."She said back softly, her blue eyes holding his grey ones. "They don't have pretty Escorts."He muttered as she chuckled at that. "You are an idiot, Haymitch."She whispered with a shake of her head. "Only for you, sweetheart."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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