Don't Watch Me Go

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She watched President Snow speak but it did not register. She just watched how his mouth moved, forming words she couldn't follow. Was he really doing this? Could he? They deserved peace but now he just... She didn't want Katniss to go back in the arena, the poor girl has gone through so much already and Peeta, no, she couldn't see them go again. 

And then there was Haymitch...

It was him that made her leave her appartment in the Capitol and jump on the first train towards District 12. She had to see him, she couldn't imagine what he would be feeling right now. Hearing this news, would be devestating for all of them. And she had to be the one once again to make them go. She would pull their names out of the bowl. 

"Princess?"He asked when he find her standing on his doorstep. "Haymitch."She whispered with a sigh, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in a hug he was not expecting. "What's wrong, Effie?"He asked, now really worried. She would never hug him, disgusted by the smell of alcohol that lingered on his clothes, yet here she stood with clearly not her usual make up or attire on. "I...Didn't you hear it?"She asked, pulling back from him, realizing how she was still holding him. "About the Quarter Quell? I did, sweetheart."He answered, walking inside, expecting her to follow him which she did, ignoring how dirty the place was. "You can't be that cold about it, Haymitch!"She said straight away as he just grabbed for another bottle of Whiskey, probably his third or even more so! "What do you want me to say? Oh no, not again, dramatical gasp. My life is not fair!"He said, exaggerating it which only frustrated her more. "Stop it, Haymitch, stop it!"She screamed, giving him a push. "Don't act like that!"She added. She had to see past this mask he was putting on, he had to feel something about it, just anything!

"You're caring, sweetheart. Stop it."He muttered taking a gulp from the bottle. "I can't...I can't pull your name, Haymitch. I refuse to pull any of the names out of those stupid bowls."She said, walking circles in the room as he just watched her. "It's your job."He said back. "You're supposed to do it and you have to do it, princess."He added, closing the distance between them as he seemed to have put the bottle somewhere else as he suddenly cupped her face between his hands. "You have to pick our names out of the bowl."He whispered, forehead resting against her as a sigh left his lips. Emotions she had been looking for. "I can't watch you go."She whispered back. "Then don't watch me go."He said back as he took a step back from her, a finger under her chin, lifting it up to make their eyes connect. "Walk with me, fight for me like you fought for all the past tributes."He said a small smile forming on his face. "You're gonna keep me safe, darling, I know."


Katniss and...

Her hands slightly trembled as she unfolded the paper. "And Peeta Mellark."She announced, her eyes going to the boy to only see how Haymitch stepped forward. "I volunteer."Those two words... Those two words that left his lips so easily broke her from the inside. How could he? He couldn't do this, no he couldn't do this, he couldn't, he couldn't. 

"The tributes of District 12 are Katniss Everdeen and Haymitch Abernathy."

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